what race do guys prefer and why?

2015-08-19 8:16 am
ok so i was just curious on what race guys preferred for girls, like do you like the race because of how they look or because of their culture? i guess I'm just asking this because my ethnicity is Guatemalan but a lot of people say how i don't look latin at all, some confuse me for being asian and some say that i look half filipino and half latin. so i guess my question is id guys would prefer a girl who looks like her race ( ex. is latin and looks latin ) or someone who looks like a deferent race (ex. is latin but looks asian)

回答 (7)

2015-08-19 8:22 am
guys always fall for the unique beauties! sounds to me youre one
2015-08-19 8:21 am
humans i like ladies from the human race
2015-08-20 2:23 am
There are men who prefer a particular race. Some (Whites) has this Asian fetishes. Asians on the other hand loves Caucasian girls. There are also men who prefer girls not based on their race but simply they found them stunning and think they're the one. I personally prefer a woman (whatever race) who will be a good wife and mother to my children.
2015-08-19 1:55 pm
Most guys like pretty girls, but especially pretty Asian girls. So you say you might look a little Asian, that can be a good thing, I'd say you will have no trouble finding a guy.
2015-08-19 9:26 am
I think most people would agree with me that physically attractive is physically attractive. Physical (sexual) attraction goes beyond race, culture or ethnicity. If you ask anyone of a particular race if they were physically attracted to a person of another race they would all say yes.

If you put girls of all races in a room that were all 8s and up, then I dont think guys would differentiate between races too much because they are all attractive.

When it comes to emotional attraction I think guys do favor girls of the same ethnicity because building emotional attraction is about being connected to someone based on their beliefs, personality, lifestyle and culture. Having common interests are also important when connecting with someone.

So you asked the question "do you like the race because of how they look or because of their culture?" Well a guy needs to be physically attracted to the girl because that is what draws his interest but her personality is what keeps him to you. So when it comes to a long term relationship they are both important. Guys don't necessarily judge your character by the way you look, at least not in the long term.

You also asked the question "would prefer a girl who looks like her race or someone who looks like a different race?" When it comes to physical attraction then some people tend to be more physically attracted to their own race but some also like different races because its different and new. When it come to transitioning into a long term relationship then it is always personality that matters.
2015-08-19 8:40 am
Men don't care But look at marriage statistics you may have a problem with white males.
2015-08-19 9:49 pm
Pretty blonde Caucasian girl... For all men

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:44:53
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