How could God possibly forgive me?

2015-08-19 4:55 am
They say God forgives you for your sins. But how? With any sin. I haven't been baptized

回答 (11)

2015-08-19 4:56 am
This is the literal worst place to ask any question about religion. The atheists are just going to swarm in and call you a poopy stupid doodoohead for having the wrong metaphysics. They do that.
2015-08-19 5:18 am
Believe and trust in Jesus. Pray the Divine Mercy of Jesus -He saves one who believe in Him.
Google Divine Mercy. Discuss your matter with a priest.
2015-08-19 4:56 am
sin doesn't exist outside of your religious reality....
2015-08-19 6:49 am
Death is the punishment of every sin. But, be assured... all sins are venial with respect to the mercy of God, and the repentance of a sinner; but the wages of every sin that reigns in us, and is not forsaken by us, is eternal death (Romans 6:23).

What you need is a clear conscience...

Let me get you started:
2015-08-19 5:11 am
because he can. that is why he is god
2015-08-19 5:01 am
There is a wonderful way. It is because of Christ.

You can learn all about it. I think one good way to start is to read the Gospel of Luke or of Matthew. But if that isn't your thing, you could seek out sermons to explain it to you. Just ask.
2015-08-19 9:14 am
God can forgive you because someone else already paid the penalty for all the things you have done wrong.... that is what Jesus did on the cross. Through him there can be total forgiveness.
2015-08-19 5:04 am
Baptism does not guarantee salvation; if it were so, some of the worst criminals in history would be granted entrance to heaven just because they were sprinkled or dunked underwater for a few seconds. Rather, it is an inward cleansing of the heart, a symbol of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. It is a rebirth into the new Christian life. Salvation itself was made possible not only on the cross, but through the resurrection. Baptism is a critical sacrament for all Christian believers, but the act itself does not determine your eternal fate.
2015-08-19 5:00 am
1. You must find out if you are baptized otherwise getting baptized twice is a serious sin.

2. Most things can be forgiven, God's commandments and mans laws are quite similar with the basics.

3. This is not something another person can intrude you with your relationship with God

4. You must repent and know why its wrong, feel remorseful about it without faking it, if you must fake it than you are not ready.

5. Pray and learn from your mistakes. Unless you've murdered somebody you can't un kill them. But if you've stolen, try to give it back or donate before you get hit by karma.

idk man... good luck with whatever you've done.
2015-08-19 4:59 am
2015-08-19 5:02 am
First, I don't believe in sin. Haven't since I was about seven or eight years old, going to a catholic school, with all sorts of dogma thrust at us. But I do believe in God (just not the way most people do).

Next, God wants you to join him, and he's willing to bribe you to join him. Not with the riches of this world, but by ensuring that you have the strength (grace) to live a good life and get to heaven. Al you need to do is be sincere in recognising the bad things that you do and that you're willing to change your habits to be better than you currently are.

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