What do the mean of "statues suffice' please?

2015-08-18 2:02 pm
"There's a general agreement our current regulations and statues suffice, but maybe we have to do more in terms of
monitoring and enforcement," said Edison Chidziya, director general of Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management.

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2015-08-18 5:53 pm
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“大家普遍同意:我們目前的法規與條例是足夠的。然而或許我們需要在監督與執行方面有所加強” 愛迪生奇智亞,津巴布韋國家公園及野生動物管理總幹事,說道。

Regulation and statues:法規與條例

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 17:09:58
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