Any examples of creative household products that can make our life easier?

2015-08-18 12:26 pm

回答 (2)

2015-08-18 1:38 pm
The Roomba(SP?) Vacuums the entire room and does not fall down stairs. How about a similar device to mop a floor with no carpet? ... Similar, the finish on your hardwood floor is worn. An automatic sander to do the run over the floor and prepare it for finishing. Then an automatic painter for the walls and to refinish the floor.
2015-08-18 12:32 pm
If youre looking for objects that dont exist yet, heres a list off the top of my head...
a machine that folds clothes (simply throw clothes in a pile and it folds immediately)
something that allows us to teleport
something that lets us eat without actually having to eat (like a pill or something)
something that lets us read minds so we can tell if anyone's lying or so we know what to do to cheer someone up
a bed that makes itself
lasers that we can use as real life mouse pointers (like point it at your phone across the room and it will pick it up and bring it to you)
I'd go with the folding one :)

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