Why do only ugly boys like me?

2015-08-18 9:53 am
I'm 14 and I've never had a boyfriend. Mainly because the only guys that have approached me and asked me out are unattractive or I don't like in that sort of way. How come the guys I like and find cute don't? Please answer I'm really confused

回答 (4)

2015-08-18 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Have you ever thought the guys that you find hot and cute may find you hot and cute as well. They just don't approach you because just like you they are afraid of rejection. Not everything is as it seems.
2015-08-18 10:06 am
Maybe you are not cute and hot to the people you find cute and hot
2015-08-18 10:05 am
What do you think is ugly? A guy thats fat or wears glasses a guy thats got no money.. your still young and you should be happy that someones taking an intrest in you. Dont take it to seriously. Just have fun
2015-08-18 9:57 am
Maybe those so called "ugly" guys will get super hot once they hit puberty?

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