Principal invite me to an event, yet i don't want to go?

2015-08-18 8:51 am
So i received a letter from the principal, inviting me to this science breakfast thing. And only one of my friend got it too, and she's planning to go. But i'm a socially awkward person, so although it's a good opportunity, i don't really want to go. The problem is that since i don't think many student got invited. So i was thinking, what if only a few student did (because in the letter, the principal said he will drive, and i don't think he is gonna drive a bus or a van), and i didn't go. He might not be happy with me then, or even worse i might have embarrassed him if he expected me to go.

You might say that i should just ask, but if i do, maybe he will put pressure on me and make me go, and i won't even have a choice.

Also, i have a test on that day, although i guess it can be rescheduled.

Should i go to please him and take this opportunity although it might not help me? Or should i go with my feelings, and just not go and be happy?

回答 (6)

2015-08-18 12:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Go becuase it will help you get in to college and ultimately your career. I understand you are socially awkward, so am I. But you don't get by on merit alone in life. It is about who you know and who you meet. You will be around people who can help you pick a good school or decide on a good program ir who can give you good ideas. Tell the principal you need help meeting people and ask him or her to help you.
2015-08-22 10:27 pm
i would just go and try to have a good time, wish people would invite me to stuff, youre lucky
2015-08-18 4:33 pm
If you spend your whole life in your comfort zone, well that's fine, but also meh. Push yourself to do things like this. Don't be your own worst enemy.
2015-08-18 4:09 pm
If you don't go, you might *think* you would be happier, but in all acualtity, it is beneficial for you to attend, in many instances.

You should attend because you were invited, and because your Principal obviously thought it would be beneficial and invited you.

The way to overcome social awkwardness is to attend events and functions you are invited to. If *not many* students were invited, that means there will be a smaller group (the students and Principal) in which you can remain. You are less likely to feel awkward in that situation.

Don't go with your feelings. Social awkwardness is something you should be trying to overcome, and this might be a baby step. During times where I've felt socially awkward or anxious, I generally come away having made at least one new friend or person I can relate to, even if it's occasionally.
2015-08-18 10:00 am
If it makes you uncomfortable socially to go, then MAKE yourself go. That's the only way you'll EVER get over your social awkwardness; to force yourself into social situations.
2015-08-18 9:06 am
In either case u must inform him in advance u re not going that he takes someone else who would appreciate the gesture

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