Do guys like more than one girl at once?

2015-08-18 3:08 am
I like my guy friend and he liked me, we made out 6 months ago but I haven't seen him since, I'm having a sleepover with some friends and he's coming in 2 weeks, the other day We were in a 3 call and my friend asked if he liked his really good friend and he said he does but she is he's bestfriend and doesn't want anything to happen but he does have feelings for her, could he still possible like me? He's know her for a while but me for like 2 years. Pls don't be negative x

回答 (3)

2015-08-18 3:17 am
Some do. I never did.
2015-08-18 3:41 am
It is entirely possible for a guy to like more than one girl at a time. His interest is generally going to vary from hot to cold with every girl and woman he meets, and that's for the rest of his life. So, if you want to see how much this guy might like you, let him know that you are interested in him. Though I will say that if he has basically ignored you, that makeout session may have just been a hookup in his mind.

I'd say that you should really cut to the chase with this guy. Just message him something like "I've been thinking about that time we made out." See what he says. If he ignores the comment, he's not interested. If he does react, he might still be. Just because he likes a girl he can't attain, it doesn't mean other girls, namely you, will be automatically rejected. Give it a shot. I hope it works out.

One final note: If you are having him sleep over, get some condoms. Don't advertise that you have any, though maybe tell some of the other girls at the party, in case the mood strikes and they want to have sex. I know it's possible that you're not ready for sex, but just know that I have friends who have gotten pregnant at sleepovers just like this.

And that's the best advice I can give.
2015-08-18 3:20 am
yes we can like more than one lady at a time BUT there is only one lady we really want to be with and in this case i dont think its either of you ---- if he did he would already be dating one or the other of you

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:40:32
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