old testament character question?

2015-08-17 11:19 pm
Who was the biblical character whose life-long dream was to go back to Israel/Jerusalem to rebuild the city but God had prevented him from going? He died in the foreign land at the end.


Looks like my memory was wrong. If Nehemiah did go back, then that's not the character I was thinking about. Thank you. I need to read the Bible more.

回答 (6)

2015-08-17 11:23 pm
Ned Stark
2015-08-17 11:32 pm
Sounds like Neheniah

Through his brother Hanani, and perhaps from other sources (Neh. 1:2; 2:3), he heard of the mournful and desolate condition of the Holy City, and was filled with sadness of heart. For many days he fasted and mourned and prayed for the place of his fathers' sepulchres. At length the king observed his sadness of countenance and asked the reason of it. Nehemiah explained it all to the king, and obtained his permission to go up to Jerusalem and there to act as tirshatha, or governor of Judea. He went up in the spring of B.C. 446 (eleven years after Ezra), with a strong escort supplied by the king, and with letters to all the pashas of the provinces through which he had to pass, as also to Asaph, keeper of the royal forests, directing him to assist Nehemiah. On his arrival he set himself to survey the city, and to form a plan for its restoration; a plan which he carried out with great skill and energy, so that the whole was completed in about six months.


2015-08-17 11:21 pm
Nehemiah was the one who did go back to rebuild the walls.
2015-08-17 11:21 pm
Moses. They were punished to 40 years of wandering in the desert for their disobedience.
2015-08-18 11:45 am
Can't remember, but yeah, Old Testament needs a bit of work with it's "Feel Good" endings, that's for sure
2015-08-17 11:38 pm
Well Nehemiah did finish his rebuild and Moses got shut out of the promised land for claiming credit for bringing water from a rock. You have mixed them together some way

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