Why do conservatives not understand that Trump would be the dictator they claim Obama to be?

2015-08-17 10:46 pm
Trump has zero respect for the Constitution. If he was ever elected, he would immediately name himself King and try to take over this country as a dictator, and not a President.

回答 (5)

2015-08-17 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because sensible Conservatives aren't supporting Trump. Only loser rednecks who hate Mexicans are.
2015-08-17 11:06 pm
well then, he should appeal to Libs then, He is a shoe in.
2015-08-17 11:43 pm
I smell fear from the libs.
2015-08-17 10:48 pm
So he is essentially another Obama, is what you are telling us...
2015-08-17 10:52 pm
I nominate this song for the republican convention.

To the Tune of The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. -------

The legend lives on , from Sarah Palin on down
Of the Clown ship they call the GOP Party
The GOP it is said, never gives up her dead,
and just rehashes them for the next election.

With a load of BS, twenty six thousands tons more,
than Chris Christie weighs empty.
The Clown ship and crew was a bone to be chewed
when the primaries of November came early.

The ship was the pride of the Foxtard side,
coming back from a staggering defeat in twenty-twelve,
as sinking ships go, it sunk faster than most,
with her crew and front runners well beaten

Concluding some terms with some Super Pac firms,
when they took off half c0cked for the election.
And later that night when the ships bell rang,
Could it be crushing defeat they be feeling?

The wind in Rush Limpballs made a tattle tale sound,
and Ann Coulter began her endless whining....
and every man knew.....and Mitt Romney , too
T'was the Beeyatch of TRUTH come stealin'.

The dawn came late and breakfast had to wait,
which sent Chris Christie's teeth a-gnashing......
when the afternoon came , Jeb was swirling down the drain,
in the face of a Joe Biden west wind .

When Suppertime came, the Koch Brothers came on deck,
saying fella's, it's too expensive to feed ya,
At Seven Pm, Donald Trump caved in, and they said
Fella's, it's been pathetic to know ya.

The Cap't wired in he had water comin' in
and the clown ship and crew were in peril
and later that night, when their lights went outta sight......
came the Wreck of the GOP party.

Does anyone know where the love of God goes,
when a brain dead Birther leads the party?
The Cons all say, they would have made Hillary pay......
If only half their BS had been truthful
They might have won big, or they might have beaten Biden,
or maybe even somehow see Huckabee elected.....

But all that remains are the faces and the names,
of the sore losers, chumps and crazies......

Chris Christie rolls .....Bachmann preaches
In the rooms of their ice water mansions.
The Donald steams like a Young man dreams,
the Other sorry losers all but forgotten........

And farther below, the likes of Mario Rubio
take in what scraps Fox can feed them.
As the Koch Brothers go......the Dems all know
their money was all well wasted-

In a musty ol convention center they prayed ,
In the GOP Nominee Cathedral.......
The Church bell chimed 17 times,
for each loser in the GOP party.

The legend lives on, from Sarah Palin on down,
of the losers they call the GOP party.
Republicans they said, never give up their dead--
they just rehash them for the next election.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:45:10
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