I saw someone post a question about having sex with a girl under 10 who is your wife.Why don't more Muslims speak up against this?

2015-08-17 4:29 pm
I'm not trying to be offensive here. I actually want to know why, if so many Muslims claim it's a religion of peace and it's not barbaric, why did I only see Muslims defending that instead of condemning it?

回答 (8)

2015-08-17 4:59 pm
Who speaks about 10 years old? maybe he/she is not Muslim.
2015-08-17 4:33 pm
How is having sex with a ten year old not peaceful? I mean, raping her is not peaceful, but if she is willing then it's not evil ... just a little immoral to some people.

Muhammad's youngest wife was nine years old ... and people call him a pedophile for it. Yet look at how the world is changing, in many countries the age of consent is as low as thirteen years old, in other places it's fourteen ... The world has become more sexually liberated than even in the medieval ages where women were married off at like sixteen ... now girls and boys want to have sex at such young ages (if you don't believe that check out the Family & Relationships tab of questions, there's a lot of questions like "I'm ten and my boyfriend is eleven, and we want to have sex?)

In some places there is no age of consent, but the law is that you have to be married to have sex, so a couple nine year old kids could marry and have sex to their hearts content and no one would care ... hell, there's this transgender kid named Jazz ... he's eleven ... if people can decide to do something as life-altering as changing their sex you'd think they should also be old enough to decide who they want and don't want to have sex with too.

Just because something is different to you, doesn't mean it's barbaric ... while it might truly be immoral and strange, you can't say it's really "evil" just because you don't agree with it.
2015-08-17 5:37 pm
Because the trolls do it so often that I can spot a troll question and not bother. Because Ramadan trolls only want attention, not truth, there is no point.
If someone asks genuinely, there are differences between that and a troll, and I will answer honestly.
2015-09-18 4:16 am
Because, according to all the stories about Mohammed, he slept with his own 9-year-old wife Aisha. Muslims regard Mohammed as the perfect man, so they feel justified in following his example. Any Muslim who spoke up against this would be regarded as criticizing Mohammed, which in some parts of the world, will get you killed.
2015-08-17 6:41 pm
Because it is entirely halal. Mohammed did it, so we are allowed to do it. In fact we would be following his example.
2015-08-17 6:50 pm
if the question related to Mohammed marrying Aisha when she was young.. that is a one off.. doesnt mean every single muslim man MUST and does marry a young bride.. NO..
certain things that happened down through history have a purpose in themselves.. this was a special devine ordained union.. Mohammed didnt go preying on young children, He wasnt a pedophile.. All his other wives were much much older.. (his first was 40yrs old when he was 25 at the time of marriage) .. There are exceptions to everything.. and this marriage was an exception..
2015-08-17 6:16 pm
How can they speak up against it when it was ordained by Allah?
2015-08-17 5:46 pm
Note to user : Most of the people who post these things here and other strange questions are non Muslim trolls.

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