I have a collection of masks and are displayed in the wall. Is this devilish?

2015-08-17 12:54 pm

回答 (4)

2015-08-17 1:01 pm
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I don't think so. In some cultures masks are hung around the house, its done to improve luck. It is also used to repel jealousy
2015-08-17 2:00 pm
It's pretty cool, have you got a picture? I've been thinking of collecting horror masks and prosthetics and was thinking about getting some polystyrene heads to put them on display on my DVD shelf, but wall mounting sounds interesting.
2015-08-17 1:40 pm
oh yes, better call The Exorcist
2015-08-17 1:12 pm
Yeah. And if they are Disney masks, it's Pooh-ish.

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