Age gap thoughts?

2015-08-17 4:01 am
I am 16 year old female with 20 year boy

回答 (3)

2015-08-17 4:27 am
My boyfriend and I are only 2 years apart; so I'm not speaking from personal experience. But, I'm sure you must really like him; and if he really likes you he will put your relationship on hold until you are a couple of years older. You can still be great friends; but activities outside of friendship shouldn't be resumed until after you are a little older. I hope everything turns out well.
2015-08-17 4:14 am
They say it's better to be in a relationship with someone older than you because they are more matured. In that way, they can handle a relationship in a matured way. I know couples with a 7-year age gap and a 10-year age gap. They have kids now.
2015-08-17 4:08 am
its not relevant ---- its how you feel about each other that matters ---- dating is legal ---- sex may or may not be depending on the age of consent where you live dont assume its 18 check it out

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:40:40
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