Is it safe to trim a kittens claws?

2015-08-16 12:21 am
I have a 3 month old kitten and he has very sharp claws. I have a sh*t ton of scratches on my arms and hands and legs and stomach and right now he simply walked on my face and now I have a scratch on my cheek that's bleeding. I've been thinking about cutting his claws but I don't know if I can because they're very small and I don't want to hurt him. Is it OK? And how can I do it? I'm tired of getting scratched!

回答 (10)

2015-08-16 12:06 pm
Yes. We start nipping the nails (front feet) at about 8 weeks old. I use small fingernail clippers on kittens up to about 3-4 months old. Just nip the small sharp point. You may need two people at first till he gets used to nail trimming. Do the nail clipping weekly. The front claws grow a lot faster then the back ones.
2015-08-16 2:31 am
Yes, you can and I have even trimmed the claws of kittens between 5 and 8 weeks of age. Watch for the little pink mark in the claw, which is the vein/quick. Hold the paw and push the claw out so it sticks out from the other claws. Trim the sharp part and then cut a little more if you feel comfortable.

Don't hold your kitten too much, if he squirms, because some cats just don't like to be held as much as others - the claws on the face or arms are a warning that you are crossing the bounaries that this particular cat has in place. Additionally, an especially playful cat or kitten will just throw those paws around, without concern for what is sticking out! As you become more comfortable with the cat and how it behaves you might need to learn how to hold the legs so they don't flail, when you are holding the cat. Cats do, however, know how to escape if they so choose, and will let their wishes be known.

Use a string with a small piece of paper tied into the end. Drag this around and allow the kitten to chase it. This keeps your hands and face away from the kitten.

Consider petting this kitten. As the cat matures it may be more willing to be held, but just don't force it.

We use simple finger nail cutters for people, the smaller ones and not the toe nail cutters which are a bit large. The smaller ones are easier to get the right amount of a small claw in it, rather than too much in a larger cutter.
2015-08-16 12:51 am
You absolutely can do it and I use a toenail trimmer for my kitties. I usually take them into the bathroom and put a towel around them exposing just the leg I want to trim (until they get used to the trimming) and trim just to the point where it curls. If your kitten's claws are white you can see the pink quick underneath and avoid it that way too. Black claws are a little more difficult and that is why you just trim a little less to avoid their quick.
2015-08-16 12:45 am
It's more than OK - it's something that you need to start as soon as possible, so that he gets accustomed to it. Get a pair of claw trimmers at the pet store - they look like little scissors with blunt ends, and a "notch" in the blades. There are many YouTube videos showing how to trim claws, and it's easiest to do when he is sleepy. Time also to get him a proper piece of cat furniture to use those claws on. Look for a two level piece with at least one sisal wrapped post - he will teach himself to scratch it, and it will save your furniture as well as provide play and exercise!
2015-08-19 6:40 am
Yes, but be careful not to clip too far down. You should be able to see the quick under a light. Start clipping them young so they get used to it and it'll be easier when their older.
2015-08-17 6:09 pm
Yes, and you should start getting them used to having their nails trimmed when they are still young, and do it every few weeks so they become accustom to it. Just be careful not to cut the "quick" where the nerve is or your cat will never trust you again. And don't force it--if you can only trim one or two nails at a time, fine and just wait until later to try again.
2015-08-16 8:03 pm
Yes it is safe. I use nail trimmers bought from a pet shop.

All mine have had theirs trimmed as soon they have come into our care. The youngest being four weeks old, the oldest three and a half months. They were not very impressed with the idea, but it was much safer for them than getting tangled up in the carpet or soft furnishings.
2015-08-16 5:50 pm
I had the same problem. I bought claw caps for mine. They are great and no invasive declawing surgery. The glue is non-toxic and they look so cute.
2015-08-16 1:32 am
Yes it is very easy to do I do it as soon as they start growing back in because it is much easier.
2015-08-16 12:33 am
If he has his shots, you can always take him to get his claws trimmed by a professional! It's about 25$ at Petco and he'd only need a rabies shot. Nail caps are an option too, and you can put them on yourself or get them done professionally as well. Good luck!

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