Make sentence(15 words)(urgent!) 1.can give us 2.can bring us less important than 4.various 5.benefits?

2015-08-15 4:27 pm

回答 (2)

2015-08-19 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. can give us 可以給我們
★ They can give us the money on one condition that we need to pay it back within six months.
★ What he says at the party, in a word, can give us a deep impression.
★ You are welcome to come and stay as long as you can give us plenty of notice.

2. can bring us 可以為我們帶來
★ You are not allowed to pick up your laundry unless you can bring us your laundry form.

3. no less important than ... 和 ... 一樣重要
★ My case is no less important than yours so we must work together to catch up the time.
★ Physical Education is no less important than all the subjects that are taught at schools.
★ The opinions of his peers are no less important to him than those of his parents.

4. various (adj.) 不同的,各種各樣的
★ Conflicts among the various groups do not augur well for the future of the peace talks.
★ Orchestras have various instruments which enable them to produce a full range of musical sounds.
★ The palace had been added to from time to time so it incorporated various styles of architecture.

5. benefits (n.) 利益,好處,獲益
★ Greening barren hills and improving ecological environment are not something that will bring quick success and instant benefits.
★ I am not sure so I guess I would better give him the benefits of the doubt.
★ The workers, in turn, can only benefits from the policy if they align themselves with pensioners.
2015-08-21 1:10 am
Let me try to write the sample for you like those sentences :
My brother and I were that we went to City Mall for shopping .
My father can give us NT$ 10,000
and also can give us some movie tickets freely .
We think that we can bring some excellent and various gifts for him
such as shirts and neckties .
Do you know?
These gifts are benefited for him
and are no less important than the other he loves .

我們想 該帶一些 時尚和多樣實用禮物給他 如 襯衫和領帶
這些禮物給他有益處,同樣的是與其它禮物比, 他重視喜愛是一樣的。.

Give 給;送給
bring 帶來,拿來
no less important than 和 [ 比 ]…一樣重要

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