prove to me god is real?

2015-08-15 8:13 am
i am an Aithiest and i'm just wondering can anyone actually prove to me that the christian god is real? with actual facts that you can show me ? and please no like 10000 hour videos of some old boring priest guy talking i want real actual facts that you can show me not just word or say

Atheist** my mistake


and to people who are idiots and say why try you wont believe it anyways its not like that. i do not believe in god because i do not find any reason too why should i believe in something i can find no proof of? if i believed everything i heard people would think im crazy id believe in ghosts, the chupacabra, aquwaman, the yetti, and soo many more even tho theres 0 proof of any of these other than maybe a couple thousand videos with a blurry blob in it proveing nothing.


sorry if my grammars really bad i honestly dont care its yahoo answers as long as you understand me lol


and also please dont put WELL YOU CANT PROVE GODS NOT REAL? how is it possible to prove somethings not real? well simple its not possible how do you prove the tooth fairy's not real? how about Santa? all i can do is give you the story of how it was made up so here you go if you want that then {{ }}first 5 mins are offensive u can skip that and after about 30 mins its about the twin towers and u can skip it

回答 (131)

2015-08-15 6:01 pm
Proving God is real to an atheist is impossible. You don't accept the idea that God is even possible. Therefore, any evidence is fruitless and of no value to you. And yet those like you keep demanding proof of something you say you don't believe in. So any attempt to prove a SPIRITUAL MATTER and a SPIRITUAL being to you would be pointless.
2015-08-16 11:25 am
Hey dude, great question!

As you've probably realised by now, there is no proof of the Christian God!

Many on here have gone down the "Bible quote" route, many are making fun of you, many have even said that "God needs to reveal himself to you before you can believe", but it's all boiling down to the fact that there are no real facts, and these people are so deluded, that they actually believe their own lies.

I am atheist, in case you've not already guessed, and although I recognise that there are no facts for gods, I also cannot use facts to disprove these gods. Your question has provoked many thoughts, but they are purely just individual thought. They mean a great deal to the individual, but that's as far as it goes.

If gods are ever proved, I will be the first person to say "yeah, I was wrong, I hold my hands up to that", but in all honesty, I really don't think anyone will find proof of gods.

In any case, if there was proof of god, what then? Should atheists worship them? I won't be, that's for sure. . .
2015-08-16 4:17 am
Well science has proven time after time that consciousness can exist outside of the body. They have had controlled studies in hospitals that proved this over and over when people technically die and are revived. Another is that science has also proven that humans are the only animals with a part of their brain made only for spiritual thought and contemplation of God. So if you don't use this part of your brain you are technically being less than human. Nothing more than a hedonistic animal. Lastly as we have more atheist we have more mental illness and young men and woman that are basically useless pieces of $hit, that cant handle or take anything in life if it doesn't give them instant pleasure. People that cultivate their spiritual side actually in general are better at everything in life and handle adversity without the need medication.
2015-08-16 12:01 pm
Nobody can prove it to you. Sure I can blow out some facts and we could have an argument about beliefs. But when you experience it yourself, that's when it's proved. I have experienced gods present and it's crazy!!! An awesome experience. I don't believe that after life we just die. We're special people. I don't understand how people can just think we're so worthless that we all just disappear. I don't believe in the religion of Christianity . I have faith in it. - believing in something you can't see. Like the wind, you can't see it yet you believe it's there because you can feel it. You just need to ask god and you will be surprised. He's an awesome person. Watch the film 'gods not dead' it explains everything with prove and it's actually a pretty good film and all the arguments are true and real. Here is a link if you're interested
I hope you get all the answers you're looking for
2015-08-16 9:53 pm
Deep down inside, you already know that God is real; but your intellect
can't accept it. Humans have put themselves on such high pedestals
that anything they can't perceive with their senses, just doesn't exist;
or some unusual event that happens to someone else, either has to be
rationalized or the person was illusional. Being rational doesn't include
the fact that Christianity has been around for a couple of thousand years.
Not with just a few hundred or thousand people, but with billions of
followers; many with more intelligence than anyone on R&S. The staying power of Christianity all over the world along with the bible sales
out stripping any other book in history. Those things should be enough
to peak your curiosity enough to want to find out what it is that so many
others found out without the tangible proof that you are holding out for.
2015-08-16 11:58 am
Well, here is one way of looking at it, if you believe and say he is real, it didn't really hurt you. If you don't and then come to find out he is real....ouch.

In short, a atheist may say a Christian wastes his life, but a Christian may say an atheist wastes his eternity.

Asking to prove, is a simple as saying prove he is not real. There is still no one single fact that can fully prove God does or does not exist.
2015-08-15 9:34 am
Experimental evidence demonstrates that the conversion of wave for energy to particles is a product of consciousness. From that we can infer that the matter that makes up the Physical Universe is the product of a conscious entity. Theists call that conscious entity "God". Materialists have raised several objections to this interpretation of the evidence:

1. The Einstein Podolsky and Rosen Paradox (Some physical undiscovered local hidden variable) What became Bells Inequality. Experimentally falsified in 1982 by experimental physicist Alain Aspect.

2. The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment: Kim, Kulik, Skully

3. Leggett's Inequality (Some undiscovered non-local hidden variables). Experimentally falsified in 2007 by Anton Zeilinger.

4. Naive Realism : Experimentally falsified in 2011 when Kochen-Specker Theorem validated.

5. Nonlocal Naive Realism: Experimentally falsified in 2012 Quantum Eraser with Causally disconnected Choice.

6. Leggett-Garg Inequality (Quantum applies only to subatomic realm not macro realm). Experimentally falsified in 2010

All of the scientific objections presented by materialists to challenge the matter is a product of consciousness interpretation of Quantum Physics have been experimentally falsified. Materialists therefore have no option but to deny the science, which is exactly what they do. Given the fact that if the evidence does not agree with the atheist, the atheist will simply deny the science, it is clear that no evidence or facts will prove to you God is real. Therefore we can conclude your request is not to be taken as genuine!
2015-08-17 6:20 am
I don't personally believe in a Christian God. You can look this stuff up online but try watching a documentary on Netflix or something. I'm sure there are a lot of people who will say that our generation is blinded by media but the matter is we are in the thriving age of media where we can share things we couldn't twenty years ago. Finding out the bible is not a factual book , or series of, is not something to hide. People are ignorant, and religion doesn't help. I will say though, I've had many encounters with spirits and ghosts, enough to say there is SOMETHING after this life. I'm starting my second year in college to become a nurse and spend a lot of time reading forums about hospice nurses. Many of these discussions are about loss, and favorite patients. Many of them discuss their patients seeing dead loved ones hours before they die, or days within, and letting people know they will be gone that night. I think this is enough to question an afterlife, and to live a good life.
參考: Netflix,
2015-08-17 5:02 am
From a philosophical point of view there are many problems answering your question if you take into account what Christians feel are the properties of God.

Christians feel God is omnipotent, they also believe that God wants his children to believe in him through faith and not factual evidence. If God is truly an omnipotent being and desires to have a faith based relationship with human beings there is no scientific test in the world to confirm his existence. In due time though there are prophecies in the bible that indicates God will reveal himself to the world when it is time to do so but until then I can't offer any proof of his existence.

I don't know if you ever tried this before but have you ever attempted prayer, or just on a leap of faith conversation with this intangible Being so many believe in? I highly wish you would give it a try for a month and see if you are moved by a spiritual encounter? If so perhaps you can have your individual answer if God is real, if not at least you can say you gave it your best shot. That is all I ask, to give it a try for a month and see what happens.

On a lighter side I am an ex Witch and all the spiritual encounters I have seen in my lifetime including the spirit of God makes me feel that God is a very real and incredible Sacred being to look up to. If a Witch can believe in God I would say that this God is a very real and powerful Being indeed! ;) blessings my friend!
2015-08-16 9:15 pm
A belief in God is something based on what you feel, experience, ect. God shows himself to you all the time, you just need to open your eyes and see how he's there surrounding you. When you're upset, he sends you a friend to comfort you. Maybe if you're looking for an answer, he'll give you a sign. He gave us thoughts and nature to show us his existence. There's nothing harmful about the bible. It's a love story. People say that Christians just want God so that they can feel better but it's so much deeper than that. I believe that God is real for the way he's designed this place. Scientifically, it doesn't make sense for there to be no God. With all the genetic makeup, the flowers with bees to pollinate them. None of this was done on accident by just some Big Bang. Maybe there was one but I believe that bang was made by God. The universe is so intricate and delicate and extreme. It doesn't make sense for it just to have happened. Take a look around you. The earth is screaming Gods love

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