Why does my brother get everything he wants?

2015-08-15 1:46 am
He is 11 and he is very disrespectful to everyone in the family even his friends. He doesnt know what he does wrong and he thinks hes always right. He always hits me and my baby brother (3). He is a complete asshole and dictates everybody and he wonders why hes so disrespected. He always tells on me when i hit him. I only hit him like 10 times in my life. He also touches my things and break my things. Hes a big ******* controlling dick. I barelly tell on him. But when i do no one does anything about it. My parents are fully aware on whats going on and do nothing to discipline him. Hes such a ******* ***** and i hate him. Why the **** does he get everything he wants? Hes an asshole to everybody, hes bossy, ignorant, stupid, fat, awkward, annoying, careless, and dishonest. Why the **** does he get everything he wants?

回答 (8)

2015-08-15 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honesty and good nature will go a long way, arrogance and bad attitude wont. As long as you are doing the right things, don't worry about him. If it is affecting you in a way that you are not getting what you deserve then you have to speak up for your rights. There is no excuse for physical violence and no matter who is at fault in this regard it HAS TO STOP. I hope your parents start doing something about disciplining your brother soon or else he could go on to be a bad part of the society. He might only be getting things his way now but it wont last too long. Until then be calm and do nothing to trigger him. Stay away from him if u must. Be safe.
2015-08-15 4:32 am
Stop allowing what your brother gets to control your attitude and life.
Otherwise, your life will only get worse in the coming years.
2015-08-15 1:48 am
FACE IT...., only way to get back your status and power, would to... kill him ..... only manly way to deal with your problem
2015-08-15 2:06 am
Become a third parent of the little twerp. Let him know you're not gonna take his sh*t anymore and that let him know when he's being a jerk. He's never gonna grow out of it unless someone shows him how to be a decent person in life, and if your parents won't do it then take on a leadership role and do it yourself. Good luck!
2015-08-17 12:57 am
probably cause hes little, i wouldnt hit him anymore, if youre nicer to him maybe he wont be so annoying that way and it pays to be nice to him cause someday when youre both adults you might need his help and you wont have it if youre not nice to him now
2015-08-15 1:59 am
You need to challenge him more often.
Fight him.
Even if you get in trouble....Keep doing it.
Let him know that you are more afraid of not fighting him, than you are of any punishment your chickensiht parents might put upon you.
2015-08-15 1:56 am
Ignore him
2015-08-15 1:46 am
He is spoilt

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