Dear astrologer, who am I most compatible with according to astrology? 10 point promise?

2015-08-14 12:53 pm
I am srry i couldnt upload the chartwheel its not lettin me upload it :(

The 1st guy ive known 4 long.When he's busy he become careless & cold & it tend 2happen alot it doesnt satisfy my needs.We have arguments cuz of it.Tho i still have strong feeling 4 him.The 2nd guy i know him 4 few month & he already show considerable affection & caring but i dont feel anythin towards him.

1st person:
Sun 29°30' Taurus 1 H
Moon 11°07' Pisces 11 H
Mercury 14°50' Gemini 1 H
Venus 4°20' Taurus 12 H
Mars 29°58' Gemini 2 H
Jupiter 18°34' Aries house 12 H
Saturn 19°15' Я Sagittarius 7 H
Uranus 25°46' Я Sagittarius 8 H
Neptune 7°34' Я Capricorn 8 H
Pluto 8°00' Я Scorpio 6 H
Chiron 20°08' Gemini 1 H
Juno 0°30' Pisces 10 H
Node 10°26' Aries 11 H
AS 26°04' Taurus
MC 9°57' Aquarius

2nd person:
Sun 24°57' Aquarius 8 house
Moon 18°50' Cancer 1 H
Mercury 8°06' Aquarius 8 H
Venus 24°09' Capricorn 7 H
Mars 16°06' Scorpio 5 H
Jupiter 5°10' Capricorn 6 H
Saturn 16°18' Scorpio 5 H
Uranus 13°05' Sagittarius 6 H
Neptune 0°48' Capricorn 6 H
Pluto 2°06' Scorpio5 H
Chiron 27°48' Taurus 11 H
Node 13°0 Gemini
AS 9°40' Cancer
MC 26°20' Pisces

Sun 2°18' Taurus 10 H
Moon 4°12' Leo 1 H
Mercury 11°45' Aries 10 H
Venus 16°53' Gemini 12 H
Mars 27°19' Leo 2 H
Jupiter 0°16' Я Virgo 2 H
Saturn 20°57' Я Virgo 3 H
Uranus 24°27' Я Scorpio 5 H
Neptune 22°28' Я Sagittarius 6 H
Pluto 20°04' Я Libra 4 H
Chiron 12°50' Taurus 11 H
Node 27°00' Leo 2 H
Lilith 25°26' Я Virgo 3 H
AS 15°38' Cancer
MC 3°47' Aries

I am asking people who have knowledge and experiance for astrology. If I can afford it i would have asked for more proffesional analysis. i asked a Q and wanted an answer as i am confused about the situation right now!

回答 (2)

2015-08-14 2:55 pm
Don't be in a hurry to find someone who you are most compatible with. There are others who may be most suitable. I'm looking at your Moon in Leo, and the Moon in Pisces (Fish) and Moon in Cancer (Crab). You are a female cat. The first one has MC in Aquarius, which is why you fight. You know they like their freedom and may be hard to settle down. The 2nd one has MC in Pisces and would have to just know how to handle things, want you to do it all, or won't try to hard to participate in the relationship. The first one has AS in Taurus, and the second has his in AS in Cancer, but yours is in Cancer too. Taurus and Cancer is a good combination there. I can't say for certain, since a lot of things enter into a relationship, only you can decide. Be with someone who just clicks with you, share the same things, like the same food, talking works wonders. It's not up to Astrology to say who is the most compatible with others because there are other factors in play. Good Luck
2015-08-14 12:56 pm
And random strangers on the internet will tell you? And you'll believe them?

Try a professional analysis. Make an appointment and our office may be able to help.
參考: UK based consultancy.

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