How to get a patent for my newly invented solar-powered torch?

2015-08-14 6:22 am

回答 (5)

2015-08-14 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
it's bin done it's called the moon
2015-08-14 8:00 am
The patent of solar-powered torch had been get by 聞西 at 1995. Please refer to 國產凌凌柒。
2017-03-04 4:47 pm
參考: Create Home Solar Power :
2015-08-14 3:23 pm
If your invention is "new and non-obvious" as compared to anything ever used in public or disclosed in any publication anywhere in the world, or anything equivalent, and not an obvious combination or improvement of any of the above, then go see a patent attorney for actual legal counsel on the best way to proceed. The specific form and process varies from one country to another.

Solar-powered lights have been "well known in the art" for a long time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:12:41
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