Will i be loved??

2015-08-13 11:34 pm
I feel like i'm not good enough for a relationship with a boy. Everybody is so much more confident and have stronger personalities. I'm a bit shy and an introvert and i think i'm a bit weird and odd although i am popular with people i feel like am not as good as them and i'm inferior in every way like, looks, personality, not talented or cleaver enough, and that i'm not good enough for a boyfriend. I think i am a very nice person and i am told i am a beautiful girl by some people but i feel if somebody got to know me they might not like me or think i'm enough or pity me for not being outgoing. I sometimes feel as if i don't deserve a nice boy because there is so much better out there than me. Do you think somebody will love me?? do you think i will get a boyfriend?? I'm a 19 year old girl and i've never even hugged a boy, i feel as if i'm an unlovable person, no boy has ever been interested in me.
I really want a close deep intimate love relationship but i don't think i could ever have that. I really afraid no one will ever like me or love me.

回答 (3)

2015-08-13 11:41 pm
There is always someone for everybody but finding them is hard but never give up finding them
2015-08-14 12:01 am
Love is weird. But, it's the most wonderful experience you'll ever get. In order to find love you have to love yourself first. Trust me, boys like girls who have confidence in themselves. For now, all you can do is wait for that special someone. Good luck
2015-08-13 11:41 pm
Baby I will love you. Just say the word I will love you..wait..but I need to know your measurements first;)..then we can have some deep personal conversations;)

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