pads training a puppy.?

2015-08-13 9:18 pm
Please help I have a 7 week puppy that is yorkie mixed with poodle. My husband and love her so much. I'm taking her to the vest on Saturday we had her for 5 days. Every vet we contacted says she cannot go potty training outside until she has her shots. She also cannot be around other dogs because she is more likely to get ill. I'm looking for a way to make pad training easier because it's miserable. I tell her in a calm voice Missy go pee. We are very patient and just clean up the poo and pee. We start clapping our hands if we catch taking a pee or poop on the carpet. I also pick her up and take to the pad. I've been praising constantly when she goes on the pad. What else can we do to make this easier?

回答 (6)

2015-08-13 11:04 pm
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When the vet says that your puppy cannot be taken outside until the injections/shots have taken effect. This does not mean that it cannot go into your safe fenced garden/yard. However, it must be kept away from other dogs and any area which could be contaminated.

If you use pads and train your puppy to pee in the house, it will pee and poo on the house forever.

I start toilet training a puppy as soon as I get it.

A puppy must be taken out every hour, after it eats or drinks and after a nap. You must stay out with it until it has either a pee or a poo, then praise it and give it a treat.

You should also take it out twice during the night. Having said that, I am always concerned that I won’t wake up. Consequently I dip newspaper in the urine that it has produced in the garden and I put this on top of a thick pad of newspaper. A puppy will be drawn to this due to the smell. However it’s just on the odd occasion that I fail to wake up.

I don’t use a cage, however my puppy’s sleep in the utility room until they are toilet trained.

Nevertheless, my puppies are toilet trained from a very early age.

Incidentally, it’s almost impossible to toilet train, if a puppy is left home alone.
2015-08-13 10:25 pm
potty training is your job not the dogs ....research on line on potty training
2015-08-13 9:33 pm
You could take her to the back yard if you haven't had a sick dog back there. I will not help with potty pads, they are disgusting & the transition from the pads to outside is very difficult. Don't start something you will have a hard time correcting in the future.
2015-08-13 9:39 pm
No Pads, train it properly to go outside, she can as long as it's in an area where no other dogs have been.
2015-08-13 9:57 pm
When she makes a mistake, pick it up and put it on the pad. Praise her when she does it right. I trained both my Shih Tzu and Chihuahua to use the pads. I was ill at the time and could not walk them. To this day, they never mess up. When our 16 year old cat was failing, we used the pads for him too...he couldn't get into the box anymore. Great invention.
2015-08-13 9:43 pm
Sounds like you are doing a great job! I suggest giving her a treat when she uses the pad.

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