Brother dating ex who I just broke up with because she fucked the same brother. Am I right to be angry?

2015-08-13 7:31 pm
Me and my brother are 17 so we live in the same house which is the main problem. Two weeks ago I caught my brother ******* my girlfriend who I have been dating for a year. We got into a fist fight that my dad ended up braking up. Instead of talking I ignored them for about a week until I agreed to sit down and talk to them to let them explain. She said she got close to my brother over the last month as she was lonely because I was always busy with school and the clubs I was in like football and ruby. She then told me that it wasn't just sex and that she now has the same feelings for him that she had for me at the start of our relationship. I sorta accepted what they were saying and we split and I made up with my brother and everything was fine until the last couple of days where they would come back to our house and I would see them making out I front of me in the ******* living room. This led to another massive fight and I haven't talked to either of them since. Every time I look at my brother all I feel is resentment and seeing them together is the worst feeling ever. My dad is upset because the same thing happened to him and his brother but it was with his fiancée so he knows how it feels. They have tried to talk but this time I really have no intention of making up with him. Am I doing the right thing

回答 (8)

2015-08-13 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
At 17 both you and she should not really be in a serious relationship, but young love can be a very strong emotion. You obviously live a busy and active life with all the hobbies and interests you have, and that is good. But what this girl is really saying is that you do not give her enough special time, seeing as you are an item. OK she did wrong by cheating, but if she now has feelings for your brother, then all you can do is let them get on with it. She may be the right one for him, she might be the girl that breaks his heart and cheats on him, hence he will have learned a lesson. It was wrong of your brother to do this to you in the first place, but unfortunately in life mess can happen even in a tight knit group such as family. You will get over her, ask yourself is it pride that is hurt, or that you really felt love for her. The answer to those questions will probably help you choose what to do next.
Billie UK
[email protected]
2016-05-18 5:22 pm
The number one complaint of women is that men don’t listen. When a woman is talking, listen to what she is saying. Read here
Don’t watch her mouth and wonder what it would feel like to kiss her. Don’t stare at her chest and imagine what she looks like naked. Really listen to what she is saying then give an intelligent response, preferably on the same subject.
2015-08-13 10:27 pm
What an ***.
That's messed up, get a hotter Gf.
Or move out. I don't believe you should HAVE to talk to him unless you feel cool with it.
2015-08-13 8:56 pm
You're brother is a total dick. I don't mean to disrespect but you need to quit speaking to both. Don't bother being mad over that slutty girl. You can do better. Your brother betrayed you in a sociopathic way and if I were you I would completely distance myself from him. Who knows what he is capable of in the future.
2015-08-13 8:22 pm
The best way to resolve is Double Penetration
2015-08-13 8:16 pm
Yes I think your anger is justified, especially since they are flaunting their relationship in front of you instead of being more discrete until you get more used to it. You have every right to snub both of them for the way they've betrayed you and continue to disrespect your feelings.
2015-08-13 7:40 pm
There is no right or wrong thing that you are doing. What happened was really messed up and you have every right to be furious with your brother and her. But think about this, is it worth losing your relationship with your brother for a stupid girl? You were focusing on school and your future and it's not your fault that she couldn't handle you taking care of your stuff. Did you dad and his brother ever make up or are they still not speaking? Think about how this will affect your relationship with him and see if it's worth it. If you do forgive him you should talk to him and ask him to not be making out in front of you with her in your own house. That was completely rude of them. And your only 17! You will have so many girls in the future; especially when you get to college! Good luck and I hope everything works out for the best :)
2015-08-13 7:36 pm
i dont blame you for feeling that way, i wouldve been mad too

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