What genre would this be?

2015-08-12 7:08 am
I am writing a book, and I have the plot and characters and the whole thing nailed down, but I don't know what genre it is. Here's the description.
You can save the world, but first, you must control your powers.

Renee Cranried was told this when she was just seven years old, and since then, she has been training at Die Hard Academy For The Abnormally Gifted. She excels in all her classes, leaving her the strongest, most controlled student in the entire institute. Or so they say. Renee has a temper, some say, and she tends to lash out more often then not. But she is still the most capable in completing the task all students were given before being enrolled. Saving the world.
If you can't tell, it's about a school of people with powers, but not necessarily magic. The cover is attached as well, so you can check it out on Wattpad when it's up. My username is on the cover. Thanks.

Oh, and it can only have one category for Wattpad, but IF and only if I happen to get published in the future, I will definitely edit the genre to at least 2.


ALso, I am not asking for criticism, just the genre. I don't plan on getting this book published, it's only for fun, so I can practice writing, and so I can relax. SO no criticizing comments please.

回答 (4)

2015-08-12 7:21 am
Who cares?
2015-08-12 7:13 am
Fiction: Sci-Fi/ Fantasy. Without the space-ships and elves.
2015-08-12 1:27 pm
Parody? At least, I can't imagine you expect anyone to take a school that's apparently run by some unholy cross between Professor X and John McClane seriously. If you do, you might want to rethink the name.
2015-08-12 7:13 am

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