How did the invention of Napoleon Cake by Napoleon affect the later history of France?

2015-08-12 4:58 am

回答 (2)

2015-08-12 10:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
It revolutionized the way people looked at pastry, and from that moment on, people have been at peace, and there have been no more wars, as when times get tough, one person says, "I really want to kill you:" and the other guy says, "Oh yeah, well I want to kill you too." And THEN, they both say, "But HEY, we both love Napoleon cakes, so lets have some right now, and call the whole thing off?"

And so it was, that peace returned, enmity was overcome, and everyone lived happily ever after -- all because of a dessert.

{The End}
2015-08-12 9:22 am
it was Antoinette's cake that did the changing

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