What are you doing the rest of your life?

2015-08-12 3:55 am

回答 (11)

2015-08-12 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Living. Why do you ask?
2015-08-12 3:57 am
Live happily ever after
2015-08-12 4:01 am
Have not lived this as yet...my goal is to be happy..and live the happiness..that makes the all of me..utterly happy...good idea..mmm..yes..think..so..be,true..*
2015-08-12 7:59 am
2015-08-12 4:23 am
Staying sober one day at a time.
2015-08-12 4:08 am
i wish to get a bf one day
2015-08-12 4:07 am
Continuing with my unorthodox autopsies.
2015-08-12 4:07 am
Still don't know yet, maybe I will write a book or two.
2015-08-12 3:58 am
2015-08-12 3:56 am
getting to level 7

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