I think I know someone who abuses their child and I don't know what to do?

2015-08-11 6:00 pm
PLEASE no trolling because I'm dead serious.
I go to Arabic class Monday-Thursday. My Arabic teacher teaches about twelve of us including his own son.
His son is I think eleven or twelve years old.
But anyway, my teacher hits us if we pronounce something wrong/misbehave =(
But yesterday he went OVER THE TOP.
He took a hanger and started beating his son with it. At first he said "Oh! Ouch!" but then after a few other hits he started to cry. I started tearing because I was thinking if this is usual and this happens all the time when we are gone...
We were dead silent and were just watching him get beat. I wanted to take my teacher's head
and then chop it off.
Is this considered child abuse? I think I heard him say that he broke his finger, oh and when he was beating him he hit his elbow with the hanger and then the son held on to it,
then the teacher said "LET GO!" and continued to beat him.
The hanger also broke.
Please do not think I'm trolling because honestly I'm not and I'm really scared.
Please please please help me, should I confront him?

Most of you people are saying to tell the police or something and report him, but his dad actually loves his son. He bought him a laptop. And if I do report him and he gets taken away from his father, I don't want to be the reason why :( Is it really worth reporting him?!


Erin, you think i am okay with his death!?!?!??! ARE YOU LISTENING TO THE QUESTION :( If i didn't care about him why would i be asking this? :(


After August, it has been confirmed I am no longer going. Thanks for helping guys :)

回答 (11)

2015-08-11 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That abuse. Regardless of where you live or what the laws states. Abuse of hitting depend on frequency
and manner. Not physical injuries. Not age of child/adolescent. Not what used to hit/spank. Occasionally
spanking/smacking in calm manner and using proper communication is acceptable. Hitting in any forms
to relieve frustration or frequently is abuse. Causing acute physical injuries make hittings more abusive.
Regularly using improper communication is also a form of abuse. Seek moral support from classmates
who witnessed your teacher mistreating his son, so when you report him to the police department, they
would support your claim. Strongly encourage a police officer to arrest him for criminal punishment.
2015-08-11 7:47 pm
You need to report him either to the police, social services or to whoever his boss is. He shouldn't be hitting his students and he definitely shouldn't be hitting his son like that.
2015-08-11 6:03 pm
Call child protective service
2015-08-11 7:40 pm
I don't know why you keep talking about trolls, but I'll tell you what struck me reading this. If it's as bad as you say it is, of course it's abuse. But why wouldn't you talk to your parents about it? You didn't even mention them, and when you say you don't know what to do, to me it's a no brainer. Tell them.
2015-08-11 6:04 pm
It depends on what country you are in whether this would be considered child abuse by law or not. I know in the majority of Western countries, that would be classed as child abuse. If the child't Father does that in front of a class, imagine what he does behind closed doors! I wouldn't confront him, if you are old enough to call whatever kind of child protective services you have there, do that. Or have your parents call.
2015-08-11 10:22 pm
Hitting is NOT love. Love is not buying people presents. Of course his dad bought him a laptop. That way, he thinks he can buy his way out of being reported.

He beat his child in front of witnesses. What do you think he does when he's alone with the kid?

Yes, you must report it to the police. If the child is taken away, that might be the best moment of that child's life, that someone cared enough about him to tell the police. And it won't be your fault the child was taken away, it will be the father's fault for beating him.

If the father wants his child back, he will have to work for it. He will have to go to parenting classes, and learn not to hit his son. Frankly, it's a lesson he needs to learn, and he should have learned it before he ever had children.

This child may be praying that someone like you has the courage to call the police. Please do it.

Oh, and the teacher is not allowed to hit you either. That's a crime. It's called "assault and battery."
2015-08-11 6:11 pm
Ehmm. If you're American or European than yes. Do not confront him, just call a child abuse service you find online and report the bastard.
2015-08-11 9:47 pm
Since the only way to stop the abuse is by reporting it, and you refuse to do that there's nothing that can be done. The abuse will continue. It may result in the kids death. But I guess you are okay with that.
2015-08-12 2:56 am
He may love his child but he is an abuser you need to announamously report this and a family study will be done to see if there are more incidents . The boy deserves to have someone stand up fort him.
2015-08-11 8:15 pm
call the police, and get proof. however, it isnt always illegal to hit ones kids
2015-08-11 6:03 pm
I see two problems here. First of all, you seem to be suffering from anxiety. Second of all, your Arabic teacher seems to be suffering from anger issues. Please do not worry. I have a very wondrous solution. Try "Love Live!" and your anxiety will melt away. After you are saved, please endorse "Love Live!" to your Arabic teacher. :)

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