Dear Astrologer, is this guy supposed to be possessive according to astrology?

2015-08-11 1:30 pm
His natal chart and our synastry says he supposed to be obsesessive/ posessive. Especially with his pluto opposit venus and square his mc. however, hes the opposit. I feel he's more submissive in relationship and not very attached.
I'm including our natal aspects and would like some info as to why he act the opposit way?

Sun 29°30' Taurus house 1
Moon 11°07' Pisces house 11
Mercury 14°50' Gemini house 1
Venus 4°20' Taurus house 2
Mars 29°58' Gemini house 2
Jupiter 18°34' Aries house house 12
Saturn 19°15' Я Sagittarius house 7
Uranus 25°46' Я Sagittarius house 8
Neptune 7°34' Я Capricorn house 8
Pluto 8°00' Я Scorpio house 6
Chiron 20°08' Gemini house 1
Ceres 4°21' Я Capricorn house 8
Pallas 19°27' Я Scorpio house 6
Juno 0°30' Pisces house 10
Vesta 3°14' Gemini house 1
Node 10°26' Aries house 11
Lilith 24°03' Gemini house 2
Fortune 14°27' Leo house 4
AS 26°04' Taurus
MC 9°57' Aquarius

Sun 2°18' Taurus house 10
Moon 4°12' Leo house 1
Mercury 11°45' Aries house 10
Venus 16°53' Gemini house 12
Mars 27°19' Leo house 2
Jupiter 0°16' Я Virgo house 2
Saturn 20°57' Я Virgo house 3
Uranus 24°27' Я Scorpio house 5
Neptune 22°28' Я Sagittarius house 6
Pluto 20°04' Я Libra house 4
Chiron 12°50' Taurus house 11
Ceres 16°51' Taurus house 11
Pallas 4°40' Aries house 10
Juno 27°14' Cancer house 1
Vesta 6°55' Gemini house 11
Node 27°00' Leo house 2
Lilith 25°26' Я Virgo house 3
Fortune 17°33' Libra house 4
AS 15°38' Cancer
MC 3°47' Aries

sorry, his venus is in the 12th house

回答 (1)

2015-08-11 2:12 pm
You have his details wrong with his Venus so other info may be wrong as well. His Venus is before his Ascendant not after it. His Pluto is in harmony with his Moon in Pisces which is a very sensitive placement; he may be able to bury his feelings and emotions but they're very much still there and if his Venus is in his 12th house he probably tries to hide any sensitivity he has.
How long have you known this guy? It may well be that the way he is with you emotionally, treating you as if you're the most important person in the world "may" be the case that he's like this with just about everyone. You may find that later on down the line it may be that he will try to be master over you one way or another. His intense emotional energy can be used constructively or destructively when Pluto aspects the Moon.
Your Moon is square to his Pluto which could be about "mothering and smothering" issues. It's also square to his Venus so your Moon is the focus of what ever possible issues he has with his Venus/Pluto opposition and your Moon is in Leo, a very proud sign. This is a T-square aspect formation involving his Venus and Pluto both squaring your Moon. You have Aquarius opposite on your 7th house so it is important that you're allowed to have your own life away from the relationship as well so maybe take notice if anything changes or appears to change in how he's able to accept the fact that you also have your own life as well.
I hope it does all go well for you.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:20:32
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