how near a babies birth can the mom have sex and how long after birth before she can have sex?

2015-08-11 3:20 am

回答 (11)

2015-08-11 8:03 am
Medically there is no risk to having sex during pregnancy, right up to the moment a woman's waters break (90% of the time she'd be in labour before that, and obviously not interested in sex). But sometimes sex becomes uncomfortable in the last few months of pregnancy.

After childbirth, the standard time to wait is 6 weeks, after which her doctor or midwife will examine her at her postpartum appointment. In the vast majority of cases she will be medically ready to have sex again. It's not about stitches. It's about the wound in the uterus that was left by the placenta, and the cervix not closing right away after childbirth, that can lead to horrible infection when having sex too soon.

Be aware that 'medically ready' does not mean she feels up to it, or that sex would be pleasant, comfortable or even just not too painful for her. It CAN be, but it's not a given.
2015-08-11 5:06 am
Medically, unless there are complications, she can have sex until her water breaks.

After baby is born, she needs to wait until after her 6 week check-up. (Stitches have NOTHING to do with it. Most women have no stitches at all, and if they do, they usually fall out well before 6 weeks.)
2015-08-11 6:29 pm
Usually there is no cap on when she needs to stop having sex while pregnant, UNLESS it's a high-risk pregnancy. I had sex at 7 months, a week before I was due for gestational diabetes (and others) testing, and it started labor. You have to be careful either way, but in normal pregnancies, there is usually no risk.

Afterwards the recommended time to wait is 6 weeks, but it could be anywhere between 3 weeks and 6 months, depending on how raw her vagina is from the birth (episiotomy anyone? Lol) and how she FEELS about it. You need to have a discussion with your girlfriend/wife/etc about it to understand why she may or may not be ready for sex again.
2015-08-11 4:47 am
As long as doctor says its fine, usually after you have healed.
2015-08-12 4:44 am
You can have sex right up until labor begins. They tell you to wait six weeks after birth to start having sex again and i would wait the full six weeks. After my first i only waited five weeks and it was not a nice experience for me and my husband. Also you are very fertile after having a baby so if you don't wait make sure he wears a condom.
2015-08-11 3:57 am
Right up until the day, providing there is no medical issues and she wants to... which I highly doubt it!
You have to wait 6 weeks after the birth..again you will want to wait probably more then that!
2015-08-11 2:35 pm
I think having a baby would put me off sex for life.
2015-08-11 3:23 am
A mom can have sex all throughout her pregnancy, though it may grow more uncomfortable to do so. Some couples have sex at around 9 months for the specific purpose of trying to speed up the birthing process (sending mother into labor). After birth, it depends. If she had vaginal birth it might take a few weeks until she has healed. Some couples start right away, just a few days after birth- everyone is different. The woman would have to consult with her doctor and take into account how she's healing.
2015-08-11 3:22 am
It is totally up to the mom in both cases. Sex won't harm the baby in the womb, so go ahead if you're into it. After the birth you may want to wait because sometimes you get stitches or just plain discomfort but unless told otherwise by a doctor then you can decide.
2015-08-11 4:00 am
she can have sex up to the time the first cramp comes, she can have sex after the birth as soon as the stiches come out

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