Can my girlfriend get pregnant?

2015-08-10 5:03 am
She is on birth control and has been for well over a year. She has taken all the pills for this month and is on her period now. We were messing around and I pre cummed and it touched her vagina. I didn't go in. It just touched the outside. I hadn't ejaculated anytime before that and had peed a few hours before, so there wasn't any sperm in it right? And she is very unlikely to get pregnant right?

回答 (3)

2015-08-10 5:17 am
The pill has you covered in this case, so no pregnancy...but for future reference, I'll give you some knowledge...

SOME men release sperm with their it isn't just "leftover" sperm. This means that last ejaculation or last utination can't be trusted to remove the possibility of sperm. In the absence of other forms of contraception, precum has caused pregnancy.
2015-08-10 5:05 am
Dude you'll be fine, if she's on the pill you've got nothing to worry about.
2015-08-10 5:04 am
theres no way she could be pregnant calm down

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:35:54
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