Things to do with honey?

2015-08-09 10:24 pm
I got a jar of honey at the farmers market, wondering what sort of things I can use it for, drizzle it over, etc. :)

回答 (20)

2015-08-10 12:00 am
There's quite a lot you can do with it. I use honey in all sorts of things. Sometimes I have it on greek yogurt with some toasted almonds or with yogurt and granola. It's great just spread on toast in the mornings, something weird I do is put cheese with honey on bread, it's like a sweet savoury combo. You can also make great salad dressings with honey, my favourite is one made with wholegrain mustard, honey, olive oil and a bit of salt and pepper. You can use it in loads of baking recipes too in place of sugar.
2015-08-09 10:47 pm
Things to do with honey:
Drizzle some honey over peaches, pears, apples, mangoes or any other fruit.
Add honey to your breakfast cereal, especially good with hot cereal
Add honey to your smoothies, especially good for adding sweetness to green smoothies.
Try add some honey to warm milk before bedtime to help you sleep

You can make a compound butter by creaming butter with the honey, then use it as spread for breakfast items like toast, French toast, pancakes and waffles.

Turn frozen cheese, cherry or blueberry blintzes into a good dessert by topping the cooked hot blintzes with the compound honey butter or just plain honey.
2015-08-09 11:08 pm
mix with peanut butter for a delicious spread on toast.
Drizzle over vanilla ice cream.
mix with spicy mustard for a honey mustard dip.
drizzle onto your oatmeal.
2015-08-09 10:45 pm
For breakfast I put cream cheese on a toasted English muffin and drizzle it with honey. Yum. I also put honey in my tea. I like it on fried chicken and on biscuits with butter.
2015-08-12 2:25 pm
Drizzle it over peanut butter on toast. Then sprinkle some cinnamon.
2015-08-12 10:06 am
drink milk with honey is good
2015-08-12 1:27 am
One of the things i love to use honey for is a glaze for baked salmon. I mix honey with soy sauce, pineapple juice, a little apple cider vinagar, salt, pepper, And a bit of cayenne pepper. Its the most sweet n spicy glaze you could put on salmon 😀
2015-08-11 5:30 pm
Dilute it with water and ferment it into mead! Hail the bees who make the honey! Hail the yeast that converts the honey into wine!
2015-08-11 9:39 am
I laove peanut butter and honey sandwiches. they are a little messy, but good. I make honey ad cinnamon butter for dipping sweet potato fries in.
Honey in tea has healthy properties.
2015-08-11 5:02 am
You can make Honey-Roasted Carrots. which is one of the tasty and healthy food. Honey-Roasted Carrots is very easy to make, you can prepare it in 15 minutes. The main ingredients are carrot and honey.
2015-08-10 9:07 pm
I make peanut butter and honey sandwiches.
Or fry biscuits and drizzle them in honey.
2015-08-10 5:19 pm
I use it mainly as a medicine, as it when combined with lemon juice in a hot drink gives good symptomatic relief whenever I an unlucky enough to be suffering from a cold or sore throat.
Otherwise, as others have said, use on sandwiches or toast or on cereals or use in place of sugar or syrup in recipes.
2015-08-10 7:16 am
Just deliver it to me....and then I will tell you that what you can did it.
2015-08-10 7:08 am
you can make mead although the stuff my kid who is over 21 tried to make didn't turn out right.
2015-08-10 3:01 am
Tea, toast, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, icecream, really anything you want to sweeten :)
2015-08-10 1:52 am
on,........... toast,,,,,,,,,,french toast.... Ice Cream,....biscuts...................., in coffee, in place of sugar
2015-08-10 1:12 am
You can use it to sweeten tea, it is delicious in yogurt with berries and granola or in oatmeal. I think there are many bruschetta recipes that drizzle honey over the top. It is also good by itself or with peanut butter on toast. I also know it goes well with goat cheese!
2015-08-10 12:11 am
you can use it in baking just like golden syrup. in dressings and marinades too.
2015-08-09 10:38 pm
Use it instead of sugar in your coffee and tea. I like mine with biscuits and butter. You can use it on your pancakes and waffles like syrup.
2015-08-09 10:25 pm
I like to toast my bread, cover it with butter and peanut butter, then drizzle some honey on top.

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