Why are so many people copying each others answers?!?!?

2015-08-09 4:24 pm
I've noticed that more and more people
are copying answers word for word and reposting under their own name. What's up with that?

回答 (5)

2015-08-09 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
great minds think alike.
2015-08-09 4:25 pm
You can report answers for copy and pasting. It's spam.
2015-08-19 2:52 am
I asked the same thing on a post that had multiple answers that were identical and somebody told me that it might be a computer that spams answers.
2015-08-09 9:31 pm
i havent noticed it, i dont do that and they shouldnt either
2015-08-16 6:31 pm
ain't no tellin

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