Do guys fantasize about girls they genuinely like?

2015-08-09 3:33 pm
Sexually, or about having a relationships, etc?

回答 (15)

2015-08-09 4:18 pm
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Yes. Definitely. The order in which they do so can vary, depending on if they really like the girl for who she is and start by fantasizing about just kissing and hugging and getting into being a boyfriend to her, or if the attraction at first is totally a sexually oriented one.
2015-08-09 3:44 pm
Yes. We fantasise about sex mostly or at lest sexual scenarios.
We do it over girls we don't even know as well those we like.
I wouldn't say guys 'fantasise' about having a relationship but it is something most of us would like once we are mature enough. As you may have noticed, we are more keen on sex than on maturity. Sorry, we really can be that shallow until the right woman straightens us out.
2015-08-12 6:54 am
When I say this, men are like "duh!" But women underestimate how sexual of beings men are. When a woman looks at a man she subconsciously assesses him. She may think to herself, "He's cute," but she isn't ready right away to be seduced. She needs a lot more to go on. A woman's brain is more complex likely because it needs more to process behavioral cues in men that indicate that they are a good mate. Men don't. We only need a woman to be physically fit to produce offspring and that have good genes. It takes a man one good look to determine this because we respond more to visual cues. As men we are competing with one another to pass on our genes. The men most fit to survive get to mate and pass their genes on (or they are players that don't want kids lol). Long story short, it is easy to see how evolution would have naturally selected men who had high sex drives to be more fit to mate and pass on genes. This is likely the reason why men have strong sex drives and that we evolved to be visually stimulated. What does this mean in laymen's terms? It means when a man sees a woman that he is attracted to, it is natural to not only thing sexual thoughts about her but to actually become sexually aroused. When a woman sees a hot babe he gets turned on. This is the way it is and it isn't going to change anytime soon so accept it as it is.
2015-08-10 10:08 pm
If I see a girl and am attracted to her I imagine sex with her initially but if I get to know her and like her for who she is then I imagine being in a relationship with her and having fun/making her laugh
2015-08-10 2:42 am
I fantasize about sex with girls but when it comes to girls that are just like me personality-wise then thats when i fantasize about being in a relationship and having fun.
2015-08-09 10:31 pm
Yeah...although it's mostly about the girl's who are out of my league in terms of attractiveness. So it's the worst type of wishful thinking :c
2015-08-09 9:10 pm
Yes. Its normal for guys to do that.Its abnormal if a guy didnt dream/fantasize about a girl.
2015-08-09 6:29 pm
Yeah, whether we know them or not. If we like them or think they are hot we fantasize about them (usually sexual fantasies).
2015-08-09 5:20 pm
Yes, about every 9 seconds in fact
2015-08-09 4:45 pm

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