How long should I wait to speak to my ex?

2015-08-09 6:37 am
So about 2 days ago I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. We were fighting about something dumb(Me asking him for a password, him refusing to give it to me, me questioning how he doesn't trust me after 3 years , and him screaming, pointing his finger at me, calling me names, and telling me to move out) After he was done, he left to escape to his friends (Thursday night) and came back Friday morning at about 4am. He left early for work at 8am, came back during the day while I was at work and left again that night before I came home from work. So I basically never saw him after our fight, despite sharing the bed for four hours that last night Thursday.
At work on Friday I was planning to leave him a note and pack my things and move out before he got home so he would come home and realize what this boiled up to. But to my surprise, he had left ME a note instead. His note was still full of anger and how things will never work bc of the type of person I am. Devastated and offended, I packed all my things and left, leaving behind a note of my own - but this time, mine was a break up letter.
I don't even know how he feels about this, if he wanted this but was too afraid to tell me, if he still loved me but forgot to show it, if it means anything at all and he wants to change for me.. I don't know and I feel like I need some closure. I'm still so in love with him and I'm letting myself believe this isn't over. Should I see him in person and discuss it? How long should I wait..?

回答 (5)

2015-08-09 6:43 am
If you really love him, you should be able to recover after this, especially over a stupid fight like that. Personally I think it was wrong of you to ask him for that password in the first place. I understand where you're coming from completely, but it was wrong for you to ask that of him. Explain that you're sorry about it, and that your love is too strong to be broken up for that. You said you asked him why he doesn't trust you after 3 years. If you're asking for his password, it sounds like you don't trust him. Maybe you should say you guys should try to work on it. See him in person and discuss it. You should both apologize and make up, and make sure to address all issues so that there is nothing left to bring up later or something you regret not saying. I wouldn't wait long. Make a list of all the things you want to say, maybe even bring it with. Then go speak with him. I hope everything works out for you two!!
2015-08-09 6:43 am
Nobody changes for anyone. Don't kid yourself. It is what it is now and you both sound immature and like you'd rather get one over the other than face your issues. Wait a week -- if he contacts say you want to meet face to face or be the one to initiate. Go for coffee, sort it out if you can.
2015-08-09 7:12 am
I am sorry to hear that you are in such situation, you must be devastated.

I don't know what are the underlying causes, but I can totally understand that you are feeling odd out when he refuses to give the password, and I would keep asking too. That lead to fights mostly. Honestly, does that incident is big enough that makes him move out?? I am sure you wrote a break up letter because you were angry and intimidated at that time..

keep waiting until he speaks to you.. and sadly, try to adjust yourself to the single life, it just sounds too fishy to me that a guy moving out just because of a password
2015-08-09 6:45 am
Not to long but, if he blows you off with any type of disrespect, don't even brother anymore and if you guys do break up forever make sure you squash any hard feelings like some ADULTS.
2015-08-09 6:37 am
--->> Tips--->

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