Have you ever slept with your friend's spouse?

2015-08-09 12:52 am
I've been hitting my friend's drug addict wife for 7 months. After they were married he stop speaking to all of his friends. I warned him that she was on drugs and he stop speaking to me for about about a year. Then one night I seen his wife outside of a bar. I pulled my car up to ask her how my friend was but she didn't recognized me. I had only met her a few times plus she is a junkie. She asked me to hang out with her and I did. I inadvertently banged her all night while she used drugs until she passed out. Even though now him and I are on good terms, I still keep hitting her and she don't know still that I know him.

回答 (8)

2015-08-09 2:35 am
No, not after they became spouses.
2015-08-09 1:07 am
I bet you aren't the only one sleeping with her. I feel sorry for the bloke with the ho wife and the sh* head friend.
2015-08-14 3:51 pm
Nope, I have not done that yet.
2015-08-12 9:49 pm
How do you 'inadvertently' bang someone? "Oh, whoops, sorry! I have no idea where my pants went! And how did that get in there? Oh, me!"
2015-08-11 5:10 pm
bet you and he wouldn't be on such good terms if he knew what you were up to.
2015-08-09 8:29 pm
No I have always been faithful to my wife. I need no other.
2015-08-09 1:13 am
I have slept with three of my friends wives. First was my GF, before he met her. Next was a similar situation, she was my main squeeze, and he beat my time, but after they were married, we got back together occasionally. The last one, was an acquaintance from work. His wife showed interest, and flirted. I called her later, and she was more than receptive to my advances.
參考: Never said no to an available female
2015-08-09 1:17 am
Well as long as she's high and unaware of what's happening. Why not?

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