Facebook is going down the tubes; How many people agree with this statement?

2015-08-08 10:21 pm
Facebook not only spy's on your internet activity, but also modify's your cookies, so that even if you log off facebook, they can keep on spying. Not only do they spy, but they send you advertisements based on what you are looking up or researching. Facebook recently upgraded their privacy agreement for their app and messenger program, so that facebook can read your text, contacts, phone gps location, and use your mic to record personal phone conversations. I received an alert for Mr. Beef on their specials just because I drove by it. Facebook is becoming more invasive everyday. When facebook became mainstream and was offered to everyone, it was aswome. Their were no ads or advertisments, no spying on you or sending you alerts on your phone based on location. I would have to say that facebook is even worse then google. When google spys, they don't make to obvious, but when facebook spy's, everything you look up gets posted to your wall for the world to see; not only that, you get sent special offers on your phones based on location. Its love they shove it in your nose.

Facebook hides behind the terms of service, which they know that 99% of people don't read, just click agree. I rarely ever use facebook now and if I do, I only log in for a brief time and sign out. I also take the time to delete only my cookies. I also don't have the app no more.


The president, vice president, top executives and CEO's of facebook should be thrown in federal prision. Wiretapping is a federal offense, it doesn't matter what the terms of service says. Of course the goverment encourages this type of spying, so their not going to do anything about it.

回答 (1)

2015-08-08 10:59 pm
I'd be more inclined to read what you'd written if you had the intelligence to know the difference between spy's and spies.

Sorry, but I can't be bothered reading all of your diatribe.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:35:19
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