Scared my mom is becoming an alcoholic?

2015-08-08 12:59 am
Lately, my mom has been drinking A LOT. She never really did drink until she met her best friend who is an alcoholic, and by that I mean she would show up to work drunk.

They used to get drunk together all the time, but my mom stopped talking to her because she claimed she was tired of her always trying to shove drinks down her throat. But now they're buddies again, and my mom is drinking again.

I went to go visit my grandparents for a week and nearly every night I would call my mom and she would be at the bar with her friend and would be slurring. When I would ask if she was drunk she'd start laughing, tell me she wasn't, and hang up. Only thing is, I'm 14, and I'm not stupid.

Then last night, she and her boyfriend got into a fight and I came downstairs to get something to eat. As she helped me make something, she grabbed the knife and said "Hey," before pointing at her boyfriend, then 'down there' and use a motion as to wanting to slice his private bits off. She thought this was the funniest thing ever and started giggling uncontrollably, and I shook my head and went upstairs.

Today I confronted her about it and got screamed at. I'm now really at a loss of what to do. It really hurts because we used to be so close.. My dad is dead and my brother is in the army, so I'm all alone. I'm sorry this is so long but any advice means a lot.

Thank you x

回答 (5)

2015-08-08 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm so sorry that you are going through this horrific situation, Megan. My heart goes out to you.

The first symptom of alcoholism is denial: “I only drink beer”, “I only drink on weekends”, “I can still handle my job”, “I never drink during the day. I only drink at night.” The excuses go on and on. Alcoholics restructure reality so that they believe they don’t have a problem. They believe everyone else around them has the problem.

It may help you to understand what your mom experiences. Her urge to drink is as strong as the urge that you and I feel when we have to go to the toilet badly. It is an overwhelming, persistent, and ceaseless urge.

Your mom will only seek help to control her drinking when SHE feels that things are so bad for HER that they can not possibly get worse. This is called hitting bottom. Your mother has to hit bottom and choose treatment. Nothing you do will expedite that decision. Trying to talk an alcoholic out of drinking will have the same level of success as trying to talk a cancer patient out of her cancer. Alcoholism is as much of a disease as cancer.

At this point, you need to take care of yourself. Join AL-ANON or Ala-teen. There are meetings all over the world. You will meet people who have been where you are now. They can provide both emotional support to you and tell you how they coped with the situation you're now in.
2015-08-08 1:11 am
Her reaction of screaming at you sounds really defensive as if shes in denial of her drinking problem, I personally have a family member with a drinking problem and overcoming an addiction is something she will have to do on her own but first you need to get her to realize she has a problem. Maybe telling your grandparents? They could help you talk to her about it
2015-08-08 1:04 am
wow, your mom is a bit childish lol At your age now, you can't really do anything even if you tell her to stop what she's doing since she's just thinking that you are still a kid that doesn't know anything. You need to go to ask help from the people who are bigger than you. You should tell your brother and grandparents about this. Let them know what happen to your mom. This is important! if you want to save your mother.
2015-08-08 1:02 am
I'm sorry that your mother's drinking has become a problem, I know how you feel. Your parents should be role models, they should make you feel safe and protected. A parent who is drinking themselves senseless all the time is a huge disappointment. What I recommend is for you to write her a letter, if she won't listen to you. Tell her that her drinking concerns you. Tell her that you love her, that you look up to her, but you don't like the behavior you see. Ask her to stop drinking completely, that it's important to you and therefore needs to be important to her. Tell her if she won't change, then your relationship with her will be compromised because you don't want to interact with her when she's like that. Speak to your grandparents about helping with this. Maybe if she refuses to change, you can stay with them temporarily until your mother finds her feet again. You don't need to be around her as she goes down the drain.
2015-08-08 8:56 pm
maybe you shouldve stayed at your grandparents instead of coming back home

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