what happens after I kill myself?

2015-08-07 4:10 pm
im not going to do it yet im just thinking, don t answer telling me to get help, I have help

回答 (3)

2015-08-07 4:18 pm
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Everyone who knew you and loved you will miss you and cry and wish you could be here with them still. Someone may even follow you in death. The saddest part of that is you won't be around to know how much you're missed. You'll be gone and never know how much of an impact you left on their lives. Good or bad, you're here for a purpose. Suicide is the easy way out - the coward's way out.

Yeah, I know what it's like to hurt and to want out. Some say "Suicide is a cry for help." But I know that's not always true, sometimes it's a cry for the pain to stop. I understand that. I've been there too. And the saddest part of it is that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Whatever is causing you to feel pain - it can be fixed. WILL be fixed if you're willing to do the work. But you have to WANT to do the work. Otherwise it's just a waste of an otherwise wonderful person.

Do you wish to hurt those who love you? I hope the answer is "No." But it's up to you to decide to face the world or to cower from it. Cowering is a choice. We don't HAVE to be afraid of life, but we DO have to choose to fight. Those who choose to fight always win. Those who run from it always lose. Don't be a loser, don't be a runner. Be a fighter, be a winner. Be strong and prove to others you have what it takes - even if they are the ones beating you down. As long as you get back up you'll prove yourself the stronger one.

Don't give up.

And if you want a trick to help with your depression, if you don't already know this, journaling your feelings is a wonderful way of getting through the hard times. Like I said, I've been there, and I know this works. It can work for you too.

Please don't give up.

´ ¯ `

ADDITIONAL: It's sounding to me like you're 15 years old and may have an eating disorder. Not that you have a problem with food, but food is one thing you have control over. Being Vegan or LGBT or being over weight, I can understand that your life seems like the world is at its end. I guarantee you it's not. All these problems will pass. Mostly what you're going through is hormonal. The changes that turn us all from children into adults. We all go through these changes, and like I've already said, I've gone through them too. Pimples, I was skinny, I was white in a predominately brown school, so I was the outcast. I got poor citizenship grades because I didn't mix in well with the other kids, and yes, I was depressed as hell. But I got through it. ALL us children got through it. You'll get through it too. Don't give up - toughen up. There will be better times ahead. And sadly, there will be more tough times ahead. Learn how to face those challenges and you'll do well.

Remember, there are a lot more people who love you than you think.
2015-08-07 5:11 pm
as far as you are concerned, nothing. you will be dead. end of the story. who you leave behind may either miss you, or not miss you. that is up to them, and whatever they do will be of no concern to you since you are dead.
2015-08-07 4:12 pm
if you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, then, sadly, you will go to hell, then the Lake of Fire on the day of Judgment.................you do have a choice now !!

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