Any tips on how to overcome a serious phobia?

2015-08-07 12:15 am

Its a little embarrassing but I am terrified of having small object put in my ear for any reason. Thats all I'm comfortable sharing.

回答 (3)

2015-08-07 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
A therapist is surely not the answer. I think it's a mental decision, much like smokers who make a one time decision to quit and do it. It is possible to just quit the phobia. I didn't say it is easy. It requires powerful self will.
2015-08-07 12:41 am
It depends on the phobia but most of the steps to overcome one are the same. It's about gradual desensitization. It's very effective for many phobias.
2015-08-07 12:36 am
Well... what's the phobia?

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