How to stop getting mail from Life Dynamics Incorporated (anti-abortion group)?

2015-08-06 11:30 pm
For the past few months I've been getting mail from Life Dynamics Incorporated/Mark Crutcher, an anti-abortion group. I have no idea how they got my information or why they're sending me letters (they've also sent me anti abortion pins). Thing is, I am pregnant right now and about to have a baby, but before this baby I was pregnant some time ago and had gotten an abortion, so all of these letters make me feel uncomfortable. I've gone on their website but don't see anything about unsubscribing from letters, and the only phone number I see is to help donate for their cause. Has anyone else received mail from these people, and how did you get them to stop sending you stuff? Thanks.

回答 (2)

2015-08-06 11:35 pm
If they have a postage paid envelope inside the packet of information, use it with a note requesting them to remove your name from their mailing list. If there is no such postage paid envelope, write on the envelope, "return to sender" and put back in mailbox.

Best wishes on your upcoming delivery.
2015-08-06 11:35 pm
Legit companies have an opt out or stop receiving or unsubscribe option at bottom of the emails

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