How many hours should a 16 year old work?

2015-08-06 1:12 pm
I work in a hair salon and I work Thursday Friday and Saturdays every week. Thursday I work 9-8, Friday I work 9:30-5:30 and Saturday 8:30-4:30. Is this even legal? It is an exhausting day and stressful as well. It's too long for me and I wasn't prepared for this.

回答 (10)

2015-08-06 2:22 pm
Welcome to real world of employment.
see nothing illegal or wrong.
In few months u'll get used to it
2015-08-06 1:15 pm
It's not illegal, if you're getting breaks. They can make you work as long as they need you if the salon is busy.
If it's too much for you then try asking your boss to reduce your hours.
2015-08-06 2:47 pm
Poor old you. At 15 I worked a 48 hour week in the UK and walked 2 miles to and from work.

These are normal working hours, most people work 5 days a week.
Welcome to the Real world away from school.
2015-08-06 1:21 pm
16 year olds can work a maximum of 40 hours a week.
2015-08-06 8:07 pm
No your legal. It's under 40 hours a week in the UK assuming you are British.

Just remember you are entitled to 30 mins breaks for every 4 hours you work straight.

My dad was 15 and working full time though. But he left school early so had more time.
2015-08-06 7:37 pm
No more than 40 hours a week.

So no, you aren't working too much.

And if you think what you are doing now is too much, wait til you get a full time job
2015-08-06 4:23 pm
7 or less hours a day
2015-08-06 3:19 pm
They are legally required to give you a lunch break and probably another break during the long shift.
2015-08-06 3:09 pm
15 hours a week while you are in education.

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