What would happen if I was to approach a gang armed with baseball bats and all sorts of melee weapons. And was to slap the leader?

2015-08-06 2:54 am

回答 (22)

2015-08-06 10:54 pm
yahoo answers will loose a troll
2015-08-06 5:10 am
We don't know what would happen, but likely you will not leave like you came. It might be in a body bag.
2015-08-06 7:06 pm
There will be one less stupid people in the world.
2015-08-06 2:30 pm
Probably die. If you get off with disabilities you're golden. If you come out of the ER without any permanent injuries then someone's looking out for you.
2015-08-06 5:16 am
Well after a couple of days you might be able to start chewing the hospital food instead of drinking it through a straw....
2015-08-08 12:54 pm
They would be so impressed that they would start calling you crazy guy and they would gladly make you their leader!

You should try it
2015-08-07 5:44 pm
You die or wind up seriously injured.
2015-08-06 10:43 pm
The leader would slap you with his bat until unconscious
2015-08-06 2:55 am
They would invite you to a game of baseball
2015-08-17 5:28 am
You're kidding right? Shoot them all with your ray gun and then beam back up to the mother ship. WOW
2015-08-11 5:39 am
They will hand you a peice of birthday cake and give you a high five for being such an awesome friendly kid
2015-08-10 5:32 pm
you will probably get shot
2015-08-09 1:49 am
You sure as **** better do that in a State without a high capacity magazine ban, cause otherwise you're totally ******.
2015-08-08 11:20 pm
Your the new Alpha then...
2015-08-08 10:59 pm
You gonna die.
2015-08-07 9:48 am
They would try to to kill you or if they change their minds beat you really badly.
2015-08-06 7:30 pm
He would cry and the other gang members wouldn't like you and probably wouldn't let you hang out with them. You shouldn't hit people.
2015-08-06 4:06 am
Hmmm I'd say it's a bad move haha, Honestly If your thinking of doing that 1. take people with you or 2 which is maybe the best advice DON'T you must be crazy honestly your just simply looking for trouble which will backfire. If they approach then obviously you gotta defend yourself also a slap wouldn't be the right way to go about it.
2015-08-06 3:00 am
Wouldnt have a clue? but let me know how it all turns out for you
2015-08-06 2:56 am
Slap him? What are you? LOL
2015-08-06 2:56 am
your mother would grab by the arm and spank you
2015-08-06 2:55 am
Make sure you have health insurance

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