I wish I was a girl. Girls only what are your thoughts on this?

2015-08-05 10:14 pm
1.- ID feel more comfortable in my own body as a girl
2- I felt like a girl ever since the second grade
3- Girls Fashion- Girls Fashion is so cute ID wear it all. Jean Shorts, White Shorts, Jeans Skirts,dresses, bras and panties from Victoria secret. All of it looks so cute id love to wear it all.
4. Make up- Make up can make an average person attractive
5- Height- Girls can get away with being whatever height they are. As a short guy being a girl would benefit me like this. Girls like taller guys and I don't blame them I can see why a girl would want to date a taller guy. To feel safe and protected. So when you put on heels his still taller than you. Im 22 and 5foot6 so id have to find a girl that's 5foot2. When guys normal height don't have to worry about that.
6. Mother Daughter relationship- Me and my mom are already close as a guy. But it would have been cool to take it to the next level as a girl. It would have been cool to get our hair done and get manni petties together.
7. Dating- Id probably would have had Numerous of boyfriends by now at 22 and that would have made me happy
8- Friends- I was friends with a bunch of girls but didn't remain friends with them because I was a guy. Girls seem to make friends easier. You always see them in groups of 3 or more. If there not in a group there on their phone talking to someone its like your never alone that's cool
9. Being emotional- Im a very emotional guy id love to cry my eyes out every now and than

回答 (5)

2015-08-05 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Transgender / transexual. This is who you are. You are a girl trapped in a boys body, you could say. There is nothing wrong with this at all. Some people won't understand, but you are who you are. If you feel more comfortable as a girl, don't worry about others.
2015-08-05 10:50 pm
I am not sure about the other stuff, but if you'd feel more comfortable as a girl and feel like a girl, you might be transgender.
2015-08-05 10:43 pm
Thats not being a girl thats being a cross dresser. Sounds more like you have gender issues. Wearing a dress and makeup isnt following a cultural made up image of the female gender.
2015-08-05 10:25 pm
2015-08-05 10:16 pm
Download the app poshmark to get brand name clothes for discount when you sign up use the code PTQIR to get $5 towards clothes!

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