
2015-08-05 3:10 am
我係2009年從Apple University 畢業,宜家間大學無左,同埋我張畢業證書唔見左,想問問大家我講"I have graduated from the Apple University." 合唔合理。

回答 (4)

2015-08-05 7:03 am
It has been (2015-2006=9yrs) since I(=wendy?) graduated from the Apple University;despite (prep) what diploma lost;what Apple U building no longer have had.
It denotes present results of past actions.Note "since" is used.

2015-08-04 23:07:19 補充:
I have graduated at the Apple U.in 2009.

2015-08-04 23:10:40 補充:
Don't you (Wendy )dare10 marks again.It has been 10 yrs since I graduated (Applly)on the understanding I lost my sc.,my highest degree,but keep my diplomatic diploma.
2015-08-05 4:43 am

2015-08-04 22:55:47 補充:
I agree with Duncan.
2015-08-05 7:01 am

"I have graduated at the Apple University or I graduated at the Apple University in 2009
2015-08-05 6:28 am

It is ten years since I graduated. (X)
~ It has been ten years since I graduated.

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