(急!!) 麻煩請英文高手 中翻英

2015-08-05 12:32 am


回答 (9)

2015-08-05 5:00 am
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Time goes fast coming to the last day in learning many things here. The staff's attitude impress me in implementing technology skill with a careful and gentle hand; while words of encouragement and tenderness are letting out to relief our anxiety and emotion. This is worth appraising. Not just silently to teach and finish the technology and left. Hope the skill can be applied in future case. Let it be trusted to establish a good relationship. Also staffs have given us a lot of opportunities to learn, to take initiative, to be friendly,to encourage us to ask questions Finally I am grateful to all residents&staffs whose willingness&patience have given us question time and their tolerance towards us. Thanks!
2015-08-05 8:52 am
日本英文家教札幌巨蛋,發生女球迷遭到界外球擊中右眼失明的意外,札幌地方法院26日宣判球團等相關單位必須賠償英文家教,創下日本首件球迷勝訴的案例。日媒報導,原告為一名30多歲的女性,2010年8月和丈夫及3名子女前往札幌巨蛋觀看火腿對西武的英文家教,原告一家人坐在內野看台,比賽過程中突然飛來一顆界外球,不幸擊中女球迷的臉部,造成右臉骨骨折和右眼破裂,傷勢嚴重。女球迷提出告訴,向球賽主辦者火腿隊球團及札幌巨蛋英文家教所有者札幌市府求償約4700萬日圓。經過多年纏訟,札幌地院判決女球迷勝訴。法官指出,內野看台設置的圍欄未能擋住界外球,球團方面怠於設置球網等安全措施,球場設備不足以防範危險,欠缺安全性。球團在訴訟過程中曾表示,球場內大螢幕及廣播均會提醒球迷注意,出現界外球時,場內還會鳴示警笛,已經充分採取措施,觀眾若稍加注意應可避免被球擊中英文家教,但未能說服法官,對於宣判結果,球團表示遺憾,擔心未來球場若設置過多的防護設備,將會剝奪球迷觀戰的臨場感。toefl補習班最好學的有推薦哪一家?英文家教的教學方式?有誰請過英文家教?托福補習班找哪一個比較好?請推薦多益怎麼考才會有好成績?tutorabc學習方式?我想找好一點的線上學英文程度好學嗎?有哪些建議多益高分技巧有沒有人可以分享的?學英文是不是很難啊?我想簡單學英文多益分數怎麼弄才會高分呢?托福滿分很難ㄟ,請問怎麼做到的?此案並非日本首件因「球吻」意外提起的訴訟,但卻是首件球迷勝訴案例。2008年5月樂天隊主場宮城球場也曾發生男球迷遭界外球擊中單眼失明的意外,火腿隊在千葉球場練習時也有類似意外,但法院均因同意球團主張安全措施已足夠,英文家教多益線上學英文學英文多益高分技巧多益分數托福滿分toefl補習班托福補習班tutorabc而判決球迷敗訴 很多人覺得未來在台灣很難找得到出路就算從小很認真讀到大學碩士甚至博士花了大把的學費、補習費!!一畢業可能也會找不到好的工作但是你也會發現就算是你找到想做的工作有時候跟國外同樣的工作內容相比薪水方面也會差很多像是美國的護士跟台灣的護士美國護士年薪高達十萬美元以上(約三百萬以上台幣)而台灣護士年薪72萬就算很高的薪水收入(月收入約6萬)整整差了四倍以上的收入當然生活消費水準不同 這個我當然也知道只是這四倍 相信我們台灣的物價總不會跟美國差到四倍。(我有稍微google一下 很多東西其實美國更便宜 但貴的也了不起只有一倍而已)而且在美國也沒聽說過有所謂護士過勞的問題。例如在加州,就規定一般病房的護士最多只能照顧五個病人。而且很多英文(美語)系國家的薪資水平都比台灣高很多像澳洲的最低時薪就比台灣高好幾倍。(以下是google查到的)CNN Money報導,澳洲規定基本時薪是15.96澳元(約新台幣391元),扣除所得稅及其他法定扣減,並計入生活費的差別後,實質薪資約略是9.54美元(約新台幣290元) 我要說的重點就是只要你把英文變成你的第二甚至第三語言你的世界就不會只是台灣因為我們懂中文 如果我們又懂英文全世界未來英文加中文的人口就超過四十億以上網路上有人估計十年內,全世界將有一半人口、約三十億人能用英語溝通,英語將成為真正的「世界語」所以幾乎只要我們懂英文 會用英文溝通我們的機會就不會只是台灣就算在台灣工作你出差的機會 升職的機會也會比別人高許多就連旅行你都可以隨意的自由行因為溝通上沒有問題 想去哪就去哪自助環遊世界省下來的錢足足是你去學英文所花費的錢的好幾十倍以上。但是在台灣去補習班學英文或是從小到大在學校學的英文幾乎都是應付考試用的沒有在全英文的環境下養成習慣去溝通就算畢業出社會 絕大多數的人很快的又把學會的還給老師真正要用到的時候也無法隨心所欲的暢談自已想說的話更別說很多時候對方一說快一點就跟鴨子聽雷般陷入囧境所以我推薦各位一個專門提供全英文環境的學習英文方法你面對的是外籍顧問即時學習 聽過後你就會發現超輕鬆而且不用出門在家就能學會(如果是幫小孩子報名 你不用擔心小孩說要去補習事實上跑去哪都不知道)還有各位可以先去線上試聽看看不管你是幫小孩報名 還是自已想去聽看看還是一起聽看看都行(填資料只要聯絡得到人都可以)http://1314.ws/toeicps:亂填還是無法聯絡上就沒辦法試聽了而且無法贈送很多好康的英文資訊所以希望是真的有心學英文再來填寫~

2015-09-22 11:27 am
Time flies, has come to the last day, learn a lot of things here, which makes me the most impressive is that the attitude of the staff, in the implementation of technology, very careful and gentle, hands in doing things Meanwhile, the mouth is also a lot of encouragement and comfort to speak of, let residents peace of mind, this point is very worthy of our study, rather than just the technical finish to leave quietly, hoping to be able to use this technique in future cases and to let the case trust yourself, and establish a good therapeutic relationships, additional staff were also given us a lot of opportunity to learn, we will take the initiative to teach us things that encourage us to ask questions, and finally, I am grateful to all of the residents and staff who are willing and patiently listen to us talk, but also give us a lot of tolerance,
2015-08-20 2:50 pm
Time had have fast, has came to last day has, in here learning to many things, which let I impression most deep of is, staff of attitude, in implementation technology Shi, are is carefully and gentle, hand Shang in do things of while, mouth Shang also told has many encourages and the comfort words, let live people relief, this is is worth we learning of, and not just silently to will technology finished on left, hope future can using this skills in case body, let case trust himself, established up good of treatment sex relationships, Additional staff has given us a lot of opportunities to learn, take the initiative to teach us things, encourages us to ask questions, and finally, I am grateful to all residents and staff, willingness and patience to listen to our speech has given us a great deal of tolerance, thank you.
2015-08-20 2:39 pm
Time flies, has come to the last day, learn a lot of things here, which makes me the most impressive is that the attitude of the staff, in the implementation of technology, very careful and gentle, hands in doing things Meanwhile, the mouth is also a lot of encouragement and comfort to speak of, let residents peace of mind, this point is very worthy of our study, rather than just the technical finish to leave quietly, hoping to be able to use this technique in future cases and to let the case trust yourself, and establish a good therapeutic relationships, additional staff were also given us a lot of opportunity to learn, we will take the initiative to teach us things that encourage us to ask questions, and finally, I am grateful to all of the residents and staff who are willing and patiently listen to us talk, but also give us a lot of tolerance, thank you.
2015-08-05 6:58 pm
2015-08-05 6:02 am
Time flies, and it's coming to the final day.
Here I've learned a lot of things, among which impressed me the most
should be attitudes of employees. They were quite gentle and careful while their working. Performing their own tech support, they encouraged and comforted others to make residents rested assured. This, rather than leaving quietly right after the jobs were done, is what we could learn from these people. I hope, in the future, that we could use this technique on our clients, so that they will trust us and form good and curative relationships with us. Furthermore, employees also gave us a lot of opportunities to learn. They taught us things spontaneously and encouraged us to ask. Last but not least, I'd like to thank all residents and the work force for being open to and patient with our speech. Also, I appreciate all your consideration. Thank you all !

2015-08-04 22:03:26 補充:
更正 rested assured→rest assured
參考: 字典、自己
2015-08-05 1:37 am
Time goes swiftly. It is the last day. I learn a lot of things here. The most impressive thing that I have ever experienced is the manner of the staff. In performing technical skill, they treat us warm and tender. While working, they keep talking the encouraging words to ease our emotion. It is worth appraising. Not only they teach us the technical skill but they teach us how to make the good relationship with the individual. Also they support us more opportunity to learn something and inspire us to ask questions. Finally, thanks for all staff and inhabitance. Again thanks for your time and consideration.
2015-08-05 12:47 am
  時間過得飛快,已經來到最後一天了,在這裡學習到很多事情,其中讓我印象最深刻的是,工作人員的態度,在執行技術時,都很仔細且溫柔,手上在做事情的同時,嘴巴上也講了許多鼓勵及安慰的話,讓住民安心,這點是很值得我們學習的,而不是只是默默地將技術做完就離開,希望未來可以運用此技巧在個案身上,讓個案信任自己,建立起良好的治療性人際關係,另外工作人員也給予我們很多的機會去學習,會主動教我們事情,鼓勵我們詢問問題,最後,很感謝所有的住民們及工作人員們,願意且耐心的聽我們講話,也給予我們很大的包容,謝謝大家。 Time flies so fast, has come to the last day, learn a lot of things in here, which I was most impressed that the attitude of the staff, in the implementation of technology, very careful and gentle, hands in doing things At the same time, the mouth also spoke many words of comfort and encouragement, so that residents peace of mind, this point is very worthy of our study, and not just the technical finish to leave quietly, hoping to be able to use this technique in future cases and to let the case Trust yourself, and establish a good therapeutic relationships, additional staff also gave us a lot of opportunity to learn, we will take the initiative to teach us things that encourage us to ask questions,
Finally, I am grateful to all the residents and staff who are willing to be patient and listen to us talk, also gives us a lot of tolerance, thank you.

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