262 請幫我修辭及訂正錯誤

2015-08-04 1:27 pm

― 262 ―
but it was rather excessive. Uiso died in the spring of imsin (1752). His Majesty grieved beyond measure; he was simply inconsolable.

但它是相當過分的. 懿昭死於壬申(1752)年春天. 主上的悲痛難以衡量; 他只是傷心欲絕.

With the silent assistance of Heaven and the hidden aid of royal ancestors, I became pregnant again toward the end of sinmi (1751) and again gave birth to a son in the ninth month of imsin (1752). The newborn was the late King. Given my poor luck, this was more than I had expected. At birth, the late King had brilliant features and an excellent physique, indeed a True Man sent by Heaven. One night in the twelfth month of the previous year, Prince Sado awoke from sleep, saying, "I dreamt of a dragon. This suggests that I will receive a noble son." He asked for a piece of white silk cloth, painted upon it the dragon he had seen in his dream, and had it hung upon the wall of the bedchamber. It is, of course, to be expected that the birth of a sage would be foretold by a super-natural omen.

在老天無聲的幫助及王室祖先暗中援助下, 我在接近辛未(1751)年結束時再度懷孕並在壬申(1752)年九月又生了一個兒子. 這個新生兒就是先王. 鍳於我不幸的命運, 這比我預期的更多. 在出生時, 先王有出色的相貌及健壯的體格, 確實是上天送來的大丈夫. 在前一年十二月的一個晚上, 思悼世子從睡中醒來, 說, "我夢見一條龍. 這使我聯想到將得到一個高貴的兒子." 他要了一塊白色的絲綢, 畫上他在夢中見過的龍, 並將它掛在臥室的牆上. 當然, 這是可以預料的, 一位聖哲的出生將由一個神奇的預兆預言.

His Majesty, who had been distressed over the loss of Uiso, was immensely pleased to have another heir. He said to me, "This is an extraordinary child. This must be a blessing from the royal ancestors. As a descendant of Princess Chongmyong, you became the Crown Princess Consort, and now you have again brought forth an heir. How felicitous! You have made a great contribution to the nation." He advised me, "Please bring him up with special care. I would also like to add that bringing up a child frugally and simply invites luck." I listened to his sagacious instructions in deep gratitude and always obeyed him.

主上經歷了失去懿昭的悲痛, 非常高興能有另一個繼承人. 他跟我說, "這是個非凡的孩子. 這必定是來王室祖先的祝福. 作為貞明公主的後裔妳成為世子嬪, 現在妳又生了一位繼承人. 多麼令人愉悅! 妳對國家做出了巨大的貢獻." 他建議我, "請特別用心養育他. 我還要補充一點,

回答 (2)

2015-08-05 11:17 pm
TO: 冠 ( 初學者 5 級 )

2015-08-04 4:25 pm
1.But it is quite excessive Yi Ren Shen Zhao died (1752) on the main spring of grief difficult to measure; he just heartbroken.


2015-08-04 08:26:47 補充:
2.God help the silent and covert assistance to the royal ancestors, I close Xinwei (1751) again at the end of pregnancy and in Renshen (1752) in September gave birth to a son. The newborn is the kings. in my unfortunate fate, which is more than I expected at the
參考: 自己, 自己

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