What trends annoy you the most?

2015-08-03 12:13 pm
Be it fashion,social acceptances,slang,etc

回答 (14)

2015-08-03 3:25 pm
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~I hate the fact that I can't find a skirt that doesn't end right below my butt, unless I want a maxi skirt (which, NO, I DO NOT!)
~Boyfriend jeans. Need I say more?

Social Acceptances:

There's this whole call-out culture right now where people are not allowed to make any mistakes or else social media will eat them alive. You're also not allowed to have any different political outlooks than the majority; this counts as one of those deadly mistakes that people will hunt you down for.


Can we stop calling guys "daddy"? It's f&cking DISTURBING

Social Media:

~For one thing, why is it that everyone has to have social media? My friends won't stop begging me to get a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, etc...Why can't I just live my life without shoving it in everyone's face online?

~"Don't Judge Me" challenge. Why don't you just go on 'Hot or Not' to showcase your supposed beauty? Must you be both utterly offensive and self-worshiping in a mere 6 seconds?

~"Kylie Jenner" challenge. Her lips are injected! If you want them to look like hers, GET YOURS INJECTED! Why did this thing even GET popular?!

~"Bellybutton Challenge". This doesn't even show whether you're fit or not. This shows whether you can twist your shoulder weirdly or not. And then there's the complementary "Collarbone Challenge" to prove, once again, that you're 'in shape'. EARTH TO INSTAGRAM USERS: Your Pro-Ana trends and Thinspo posts equate to the very opposite of health. Learn the goddamn difference.
2015-08-03 12:21 pm
Kylie jenner challenge...Soo many dumbas ses
2015-08-03 12:17 pm
The term, "Baby bump" "Baby Mama" and the long standing trend of men calling other men "p.u.s.s.y.s" as an insult. Women who call their girlfriends "bitches."
2015-08-03 12:15 pm
sagging pants on inner city street youth... I hate that look where the jeans are sagging below their rear end... no one wants to see their nasty drawers.....
2015-08-03 1:03 pm
Social acceptances
2015-08-03 12:50 pm
The trend of men wearing tight pants,that sh!t was never cool to me.
2015-08-03 12:18 pm
2015-08-03 12:14 pm
Trends don't annoy me as long as they don't harm anyone.
2015-08-03 7:27 pm
fathers rights groups
2015-08-03 1:38 pm
The need to be "different" yet everyone shops at the same place and dresses the same and calls themselves a hipster. drives me bananas! \(☆o◎)/
2015-08-03 12:59 pm
armpit hait coloring?o_O
Trends actually never fail to shock me.
2015-08-03 12:48 pm
slinging trousers low with underpants hanging out
2015-08-03 12:31 pm
People being more and more lazy; They unnecessarily prop the auto-rickshaw drivers, who thus get easy money and become insolent!
2015-08-03 12:18 pm
'Annoy' would be the wrong word but a trend that disappoints and even alarms me is the trend towards the acceptance of ignorance and mediocrity. Dumbing down has knock-on effects in almost every sphere of existence.

When reason and consistency become blind faith and mediocrity, I have concerns.

When blind faith and mediocrity become brute ignorance, it is a real danger.

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