Drivers license in different states?

2015-08-03 5:22 am
so i know this is kinda early on, but my friend and I are juniors in high school, and we want to move up to portland or seattle (She wants to be a writer and i want to go to cosmetology school) and ill be getting my license in october. we live in california right now, so I was wondering if we did end up moving up there together, would i have to go through the whole process of getting like a washinton drivers license or something or would my one ill be getting in october work?

回答 (3)

2015-08-03 5:32 am
Are you moving or just visiting for a long time? Those are two totally different things.

Your driver's licence can only be issued by the jurisdiction (state, province, island fortress, etc) in which you live, no exceptions. If you live in California, only a California licence (including permit) is valid. If you live in Washington, your licence must be issued by Washington. If you live in Bahamas... well, you get the idea.

Here's the part where you come in: You can only have one home address, but you say where your home address is. If you say your home is in California, it is. If you decide it's Washington, it is. You can live in California and visit Washington (or anywhere else) as a student for as long as you want, or you can decide Washington is home until you move back to California. That part is entirely your decision.
2015-08-03 5:29 am
If you have a license from one State and move to another you will have to take their State's written test and give up your current license to be issued a new license for that State.

You will also have to re-register your car for that State and pay for new tags.

It's recommended you also contact your insurance agent and let them know of the change. It will probably impact your insurance costs.
2015-08-04 5:38 am
No, it would not work, and no, you would not have to go through the whole process again. When you move from one state to another, you need to get a new license, but it is a much simpler and faster process than getting your first license.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 13:27:41
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