Help ! English

2015-08-03 7:16 am
I need help.

回答 (13)

2015-08-24 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
I feel very regretful about to write in a style inappropriate to your good self.I often inappropriate my ideas. Please forgive me.
2015-08-22 2:47 pm
I feel very regretful about writing some unappropriate words.
2015-09-07 12:43 pm
i feel sorry about...
2015-08-30 8:21 am
I am sorry that I wrote something rude...I felt really regretful for that.I knew I shouldn't do that.Please forgive me.
參考: 我都試過係youtube comment D唔應該寫嘅嘢,结果係咁俾班美国人鬧,死得好慘,完全明白你的感受
2015-08-19 3:43 pm
Sorry,l know what I have done.l hope you can forgive me.Although l hurt you so much,please forgive me.
參考: 自己的傷心往事
2015-08-04 12:19 am
Sorry i really felt upset after i have written down some words that are inappropriate. Sorry. Now, In my heart is full of regret. Can you forgive me? I can promise you not to do this again...If you still cannot forgive me, I understand. (Those words really hurts you, I know) But....Can you give me an extra chance? ...
Grammar 有誤請原諒
2015-08-03 5:37 pm
As I feel rather regret for written some impolite words.
參考: Partly according to Dictionary
2015-08-03 11:39 am
I am very sorry for you,I was bad to you and let you hurt!I am mad for myself,so sorry.
2015-08-03 9:15 am
假設是感情問題I am really sorry for the disrespectful wordings against you. I use this special way to vent my feelings areimpulsive. I agree that those words aretotally unnecessary and uncivilized, I sincerely apologize. Please forgive me and Ipromise to do better in future.People say, there must be some unhappiness within a perfectfeeling. If there are no ups and downs, we would nothave a better understanding.希望你喜歡此作文

2015-08-03 7:34 am
I am so sorry,I will not do it again!!

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