prime number 問題

2015-08-03 12:26 am
subtract -6 from the difference between the smallest and the greatest 2-digit prime numbers, what is the result?

Please help!

回答 (3)

2015-08-08 12:33 am
2015-08-03 1:03 am
我都是這樣計,但選擇題中只提供14, 2 ,-14 和 -2的選擇。我還想是我理解錯還是什麼?多謝你的解答。
2015-08-03 12:41 am

Subtract -6 from the difference between the smallest and the greatest 2-digit prime numbers, what is the result?
把兩位數之中最大和最小的質數的差減以 -6,結果是多少?

The greatest 2-digit prime number is 97.
兩位數之中最大的質數是 97。

The smallest 2-digit prime number is 11.
兩位數之中最小的質數是 11。

The difference between the smallest and the greatest 2-digit prime numbers is
97 - 11 = 86.
兩位數之中最大和最小的質數的差是 97 - 11 = 86。

The result of the subtraction is
86 - (-6) = 86 + 6 = 92


2015-08-02 17:09:01 補充:

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