Is it easy to make close friends with local students in the US?

2015-08-01 6:00 pm
I will be an international student in the US this fall and I was wondering if I'll be able to be friends or even close friends with the local students? I speak pretty fluent English and I'm a kind of outgoing as well.

回答 (3)

2015-08-01 6:04 pm
Yes, people will want to get to know you and learn about your background.
2015-08-01 6:03 pm
Depends. The U.S. is an extremely racist place. If you're a person of color, try to find a school that's diverse and that doesn't have an overly represented population of Europeans and/or European Americans.
2015-08-01 7:12 pm
As long as your English is good, you probably won't have any trouble. Friendliness varies by region, but generally speaking Americans are pretty friendly.

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