My doctor said I'm hypoglycemic but I don't have diabetes what's does this mean ?

2015-08-01 12:03 am

回答 (12)

2015-08-01 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
usually a weak pancreas which has a delayed and excessive insulin response, often due to nerve interference. correct the cause. see an hio method chiropractor.
2015-08-01 12:17 am
You were in the damn doctor's office, you didn't even bother to ask?!
2016-09-19 12:57 am
參考: Two Weeks Diabetes Cure -
2016-09-05 9:21 pm
參考: This cured my diabetes 100%...
2015-08-04 2:04 am
Hypoglycemia in non diabetics is actually pretty rare and most often people think they are hypoglycemic when they are not. I don't know if you were diagnosed properly but a diagnosis requires testing your blood sugar when you think it is low and if you test below 55 mg/dl then you have it. This usually isn't an issue with the pancreas though, even secreting lots of insulin, the body has defense mechanisms that kick in to keep you from ever going low, mostly glucagon and adrenal hormones, but when these are low, well you're not protected from this. It's also possible to secrete too much insulin where you just have too much in your blood relative to food and the amount overwhelms these mechanisms but that's even rarer.
2015-08-01 10:35 pm
HYPOglycemic is low blood sugar!
HYPERglycemic is diabetes!!

learn the 2 terms and what they mean!

For many years the doctors told us we were merely "dizzy redheads" and not to worry about our HYPOS! Ok, so now I am diabetic on insulin and my sis is still HYPO! We eat very similarly but I have to take meds to control my glucose.

HYPO can and does flip to HYPER in some people eventually!
2015-08-01 9:03 am
yep. hypoglycemia means your pancreas over produces insulin when you ingest carbs, then you crash and that is when you become hypoglycemic.
start taking care of this NOW. your pancreas is working hard right now and eventually it will wear out and stop producing insulin properly, which leads to HIGH blood sugar.. I.E. diabetes. which is serious and you can ward it off. now listen to this advice.

eliminate "evil whites" white sugar, white flour, potatoes, white rice, and pasta. I'm not going to go into the whole science of it. just eliminate them completely. it's not that hard. 100% whole grains and brown rice are ok.
read labels and watch for high fructose corn syrup. never consume it.

now you have to keep your blood sugar level by eating protein, complex carbs, and some fat every few hours.
take care of your pancreas, you do NOT want diabetes!
Hypoglycemia is LOW blood sugar. It is the exact opposite of diabetes which is HIGH blood sugar. Contrary to other answers, one has nothing to do with the other and being hypoglycemic does NOT lead to hyperglycemia/diabetes.
2015-08-01 12:09 am
If you undergo prolong fasting you may be hypoglycemic.
2015-08-01 12:09 am
It means you are probably at risk of developing Type II diabetes.

'Hypo' means 'low' and glycemic is how much glucose is in your blood.

'Hypothermia' just means 'low temperature'.

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